How are you today?? Looking forward to the weekend?
I hope you had a better than I did...because mine was pretty bad. Even so...I was very eager to write on the blog today.
I will show you a manicure I did to participate in Andrea's Giveaway (you can still participate if you want to - ROMANIA only)
The theme was "Match the dress" - since we're still in October I decided to pick something PINK.
This will be my last pink manicure for - BreastCancerAwareness.
I was very happy to be able to participate in her nail contest.
I hope you like the manicure I did ...and I hope that I will win. (If I will be the second giveaway I win from her blog).
You should check her blog out when you have a chance because she's a great nail artist! ColourYouLife

Great idea and super cute pattern. i like it !
ReplyDeleteSuper manichiura,a iesit perfect match <3
ReplyDeleteIti multumesc draga mea.
DeleteSi evident ca a iesit perfct match...doar asta am vrut sa iasa :))) :*
Îmi place rochița după care te-ai inspirat și-mi place mult și cum ai realizat manichiura, ți-a ieșit super!
Si mie-mi place mult rochita...mi-ar placea sa o am in garderoba !
you are really creative artist Andreea :)
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumoasa manichiura ta. Pupici!
ReplyDeleteIn primul rand iti multumesc pentru complimente. Ai ales o rochita draguta si imi place modul de interpretare pe unghii! Iti urez mult succes! Adevarul este ca nu am multe manichiuri primite pentru concurs, deocamdata, dar fiecare imi place, asa ca o sa aduc intariri si o sa imi rog pritenii sa dea cu parearea :) Te pup.
ReplyDeleteGreat match!