Saturday, 30 January 2016

January's nail Challenge - Selfie with your nails

Buna dimineata!

Ultima tema din luna Ianuarie - nu imi vine sa cred ca a trecut o luna de cand am inceput aceasta colaborare!

Tema de saptamana aceasta este una foarte interesanta : selfie cu unghiutele noastre.

Am vrut sa fac o mainchiura complexa una alta...dar dupa aceea, mi-a venit o idee. Se intampla foarte rar sa imi postez unghiutele "goale", asa ca, de aceasta data asta voi face.

Am facut un selfie cu unghiile mele nepictate si cu fata mea nemachiata, totul natural, de la mama natura.

  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Iulia Maria -
  4. Mihaela -
  5. Cristina-
  6. Andrea -
  7. Andreea M -
  8. Violeta -

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Ce am mai purtat pe unghii in 2015 !


Se intampla foarte rar sa nu apuc sa va arat tot ceea ce am purtat pe unghii ...dar de aceasta data am cateva manichiuri mai simple pe care vreau sa vi le arat. 

 Nici nu mai stiu exact cand am purtat aceasta manichiura...acum multicel timp totusi !
Am adorat oja de la OPI cand am vazut-o ..dar pe unghiile mele nu mi-a placut de nicio culoare , in schimb, cu acest model am iubit-o.

 Manichiura cu nr2 este manichiura pe care am avut-o in perioada Craciunului.
Ceva simplu, rosu cu auriu, sclipicios si texturat.
Aceasta este a doua manichiura pe care am purtat-o in acea perioada.  Bradutul mi-a placut enorm cand l-am vazut pe IG +Nails By Miri asa ca a trebuit sa incerc si eu sa il fac.

Ultima dar nu cea din urma, este o manichiura pe care poate o stiti de pe facebook. 
Manichiura pe care am purtat-o de revelion. De mult nu mi-a mai placut o manichiura atat de mult ca aceasta ...abia astept sa o incerc si pe alte culori :D 

Va doresc o saptamana frumoasa. 

Friday, 22 January 2016

January's Nails Challenge - Inspired by favorite drink

Buna seara!

A mai trecut o am revenit cu o noua manichiura.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a dat bataie de cap aceasta tema. Bautura mea preferata este "mojito' - oricat am incercat sa reproduc bautara sau sa creez ceva am reusit. Prin urmare, am apelat la atotputernicul google si am cautat 'cocktail-uri colorate" , si asa mi-am gasit inspiratia : Pina-Colada tini .

Nu o sa va plictisesc cu detalii despre aceasta bautura si o sa va arat ce am facut. Nu sunt multumita de manichiura, am refacut-o de 2 ori ...dar asta este si asta va arat !

 Ca sa fac aceasta manichiura am decis sa folosesc culori acrilice si o pensula (cea mai mare greseala)

Din cauza ca nu sunt o mare adepta a ombre-ului nu prea ma pricep sa le fac - nici cu buretele si nici cu pensula dupa cate am aflat.

M-am chinuit enorm sa amestec culorile si tot nu mi-a iesit perfect. De fiecare data cand fac o manichiura de acest gen imi aduc aminte de ce nu imi place sa fac ombre.

Mi-a luat cam o ora sa fac 5 unghii (evident ca nu am facut modelul la ambele maine)
Dupa ce am facut baza am aruncat repede o ciresica , am facut poze si le-am sters.

Sper totusi sa va placa :)

Eu zic sa vedem ce bauturi iubesc fetele :

  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Cristina -
  4. Corina
  5. Deyutza -
  6. Iulia Maria -
  7. Alyce -
  8. Teo -
  9. Andra Kat -
  10. Eva -

Monday, 18 January 2016

Abstract black and white nails.

Hello hello! 

Did you have a good weekend? I took advantage of it to create a manicure using acrylic paints - I haven't done that in a while. 
At first I wanted to do a landscape manicure but I decided to do an abstract design. 

This is not a special manicure but I liked it a lot and I had a great time doing it. My inspiration was found on google : 

When I saw this picture I was sure this was something I wanted to do. 

What do you think? 

I wasn't sure how to do this design and then I remembered I had a new brush from BornPrettyStore and decided to try it out. 

The brush I used is very very thin and long so you can do very precise straight lines if you want to - i did a few curved ones. (as you can see in the pictures) 
It was very easy to make them very very thin - using the acrylic paint also helped a lot since it's a lot easier to paint with them rather than with nail polish. 

What I absolutely love about this paint brush is that the handle also acts like a cover, so if you want to take it with you it's easy and the bristle is not damaged. 

Even if my inspiration was all black and white I also decided to add some colour! 

What do you think? which one do you like it better?
I also decided to use my matte top coat from GoldenRose to make it matte. 

What do you use for painting? 
If you want this brush, you can get it HERE at a special price if you use my discount code. 

Saturday, 16 January 2016

January's Nails Challenge - Ice or silver nails

Morning lovelies!

Second Saturday, second challenge....and that's how we'll find ourselves in December 2016, at the end of this challenge - time really flies.

For this week's challenge we had to choose between  ice or silver nails - I decided to go with silver this time.

This manicure was a good occasion for me to use my BornPrettyStore Vinyls.  I absolutely love the way they look and I decided to use them in a different way they are usually used.
Even if the vinyls are fish scale- like , i think they can be used in the winter too.

I have to admit I ruined 3 or 4 stickers before deciding what to do with them.
For this manicure I decided to stick the vinyls on my nails and cut the edges, instead of putting nail polish over and removing the vinyl.
Golden Rose care&strong nr. 171
Flormar 392 Holographic silver

My new top coat from RimmelLondon

The vinyl are absolutely gorgeous- they have an amazing holographic shine and they stick very well to the nail. So if you want to put them one, add nailpolish and then remove them, make sure your base colour is perfectly dried.

If you want to buy these nail vinyls you can find them HERE and you can also usse my discount code.

  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Iulia Maria -
  4. Mihaela
  5. Eva -
  6. Alina JustAnAngel - 
  7. Madalina -
  8. Corina
  9. Deyutza -

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Peel off nail latex from BornPrettyStore

Hello hello :)

How are you lovelies today? I have a question for you : do you ever feel like doing an ombre manicure but you're not up to cleaning the mess on your fingers?

I know that the peel off "helper" (how i like to call it) is not a new thing...but have you tried the one from BornPrettyStore? (it's on the site at the special price of 2.99$ )

I've only tried one but wasn't amazingly happy about it I am not with this one either!

I am not going to say it's's just...not like the ones i've seen in tutorials.

This one , which you can find on the bornprettystore sote in a bottle of 15ml,  is very opaque (which is good cuz you see perfectly where you've put it) but it takes a bit long to dry.
It covers perfectly to be honest - as you can see in the picture.

What I saw while trying to clean up is that the part of the latex where you got polish on a bit softer than the rest...and it breaks a bit...doesn't peel off as I would have wanted it to.

You can see in the picture above what I am talking about : the part where I had more nail polish got stuck on the finger ...but I was able to take it off easily :)

However, as a conclusion ...this is a good-ish peel off "helper". You can see in the next picture that there wasn't much to clean after I took off all liquid tape.

I would probably buy this one if there wouldn't be another option. :)

Don't forget about my discount code  : CUMX31 on the site ;)

Saturday, 9 January 2016

January's Nails Challenge - Pantone Colors

Neata neata!

Cu ce manichiura sa incepem noul an ? Cu o manichiura pentru colaboare - o noua colaborare!

Ca si pana acum, fetele din grupul TPA nu puteau sa lase noul an fara o colaborare , si bine au facut. De aceasta data, colaborarea este propusa pe luni (fiecare luna a anului cu 4 teme), teme propuse de una din fetele din grup!

Prima tema din luna Ianuarie este : PANTONE 2016.

Ei dau tonul, noi il urmam - Rose quartz si Serenity sunt culorile alese pentru acest an. Am vorbit si despre culoarea anului 2015- MARSALA - puteti vedea postarea AICI.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca imi place mai mult alegerea lor pentru 2016 decat cea de anul trecut . Voua cum vi se par?

GoldenRose care+strong nr-.120

This is a nail polish without I don't know what it is ! 

Bornprettystore stamping polish

Inspiratia mea :

Talking about BornPrettyStore ...I need to tell you a few words about the stamping polish !

I've tried a black one too, review - HERE.

My opinion about the nail polish is the same as the one I had about the black one . They are pretty good, very opaque ... but, after the first time I used the black one I wasn't able to use it again. It simply dried up instantly.

I hope this won't happen with the white one too.

I will let you know the next time I will use it. I will also have a review for some peel off solution and a nail art brush - stay close!

Va las mai jos si lista cu fetele care participa la colaborare aceasta saptamana :

  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Vanyna
  4. Alyce -
  5. Madalina -
  6. Iulia Maria -
  7. Claudia -
  8. Andreea M
  9. Andra kat