Saturday, 28 June 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter I

Good morning my sweet ladies!!

How was your week?? I really hope it was good...and I also hope you'll have a good week-end, with lots of fun or rest. (depending on each's desire).
My week was a bit messed up, but in the end...everything is going to be fine.
As you already know....every Saturday the girls from "The polish addict" group and I post one mani done for this challenge.
We've seen gorgeous manis everytime...and lots and lots of different ideas through out these weeks. I am sure we'll see even more in the following weeks.

Guess what? When I had to choose the theme of my manicure...I simply got stuck with a million ideas ( ice, ice cream, iceberg, icicles...and so on) but nothing turned out to look as good as I would have wanted to. So I had to rethink and replan my manicure.
In the end it turned out to be pretty simple...because my mom (who else if not mom?) gave me a beautiful idea.
This time...the problem was I found her idea very hard to "transfer" on my nails...but I tried, and I was very pleased with it.

The theme I choose...well my mom did actually, is Iris.
It looks like I'm in love with flowers lately :)) ( if you can remember, my "H" mani was Hibiscus)

I used as a base coat Farmasi nr.?? (I can no longer see it on the bottle) - but only for 4 fingers: i thought the flower will pop out on the natural nail.
For the flower I used my old "Lidan" acrylic paints ... and the AMAZING Farmec GelTopCoat. ( I love it more and more with every use)

What do you think about my flower?
I wish you ladies a good weekend!

Don't forget about the other ladies!
  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Ella -
  4. Andreea -
  5. Andrea -
  6. Ana's Beauty Blog -
  7. Andra (Sophie) -
  8. Andra Katerina-

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The clowny nails with TIP-TOP

Hello sweeties!

How is your week until now? :) Mine keeps getting better and better: I am home, I have my babies(the nailpolishes), I am enjoying my vacation AND  the sun is finally up in the sky. (I think there were 2 weeks full of rain and no sun, and it was very depressing).

What am I going to talk about today is a brand I discovered recently, even if the company was founded in 1981. TipTopNails
They are located in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The company has a very strict philosophy behind producing and developing their nail polishes, making sure their products are described by 4 elements: Durability, Innovation, Toxin & Cruelty Free.
I am not an experted in Vegan nail polishes, but I know the components that are harmfull, TipTop  developing nail polish that is completely FREE of: Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP (Dibuthyl Phthalate) and Camphor. 
One thing that makes me believe this, is the pleasant smell the nail polishes have. ( the smell is very important to me, because I have a very sensitive nose, and strong smells make be feel ill)

 What I recieved : 

They are 5 amazing colours(from left to right) : ARMOURPLATE(970), GOLD DIGGER(971), ASTRONAUT(967), CHA CHA CHA(980) and MELTING MARSHMALLOWS(903).
I like a lot all the colour, but I think I just found THE pink for me.

 You can see in the pic above, a quick swatch. What would you say: 1 or 2 coats? Be prepared to be amazed: ONLY ONE COAT. These are simply amazing. The formula is very very nice, it's very easy to apply because it's quite liquid and it also dries super fast. (If you are on a hurry but still want or need a gorgeous mani, you can choose one of these mani colours TipTop has to offer)

Today I will be showing you the last 2: CHA CHA CHA  and MELTING MARSHMALLOWS.
I love pastel nail polish because I think they are very good as base colours and also as a very suble and elegant manicure.

I did the design on my mother's nails, since she's been very eager to help.
As an inspiration I had this pattern :

I was always in love with clowns...not scared like many people are and I decided to do a "tribute" mani for them.
I hope you'll like my mani as much as I did. I think it's very fun to watch and wear.

 I wanted in a very long time to do this tipe of mani. Since this is sort of a french mani, and how I am a frech mani addict, I absolutely LOVE it.

The mani is "3 days old" and keeps standing: no chipping no nothing.(I also used the Farmec 3DGelTopcoat) 

This is my "clowny" nails I did using TipTop nail polish.
As a conclusion I can say that they are amazing: they are Vegan,they have great covarage in one coat, they dry fast, don't smell bad and they have a very gorgeous shimmer without any topcoat. What else could anyone wish from a nails polish?
I personally, love them, and I would recommend them to anyone.

Untill next time, I wish you a good week.


Monday, 23 June 2014

Românce cu Farmec.

Buna ziua dragele mele!

Astazi ma intorc cu o postare scrisa in romana, pentru ca o sa va vorbesc despre o firma aflata in top 5 firme indragite de mine.

Am ales sa denumesc postarea asa, deoarece aceasta este deviza lor.
Cred ca toate(ba chiar toti, de ce sa ii eliminam pe domni?) am auzit de nenumarate ori de : GEROVITAL H3 prof. dr. Ana Aslan, GEROVITAL H3 EVOLUTION, GEROVITAL PLANT, ASLAVITAL, FARMEC, ASLAMED, DOINA care, alaturi de
ATHOS şi OBSESIE formeaza protofoliul mare de produse al companiei.(au o gama larga de produe printre care: deodorante, produse pentru ingrijirea tenului, produse pentru infrumusetare, produse pentru ingrijirea mainilor dar si produse de curatenie)
Personal stiu de produsele lor de foarte multi ani. De multe ori imi amintesc de mama , care de fiecare data cand ma punea sa ii cumpar acetona, imi spunea: "de la Farmec sa iei, e cea mai buna" . (si acum, mama foloseste aceeasi acetona de care este foarte multumita)
Pentru cele care totusi nu stiti foarte multe despre ei o sa va spun cateva cuvinte: 

Istoria modernă a companiei începe în 1967, când FARMEC devine primul producător de creme şi emulsii Gerovital H3 prof. Dr. Ana Aslan din România. Produsele se adresau femeilor ajunse în pragul vârstei de 40 de ani, când tenul arată primele semne de îmbătrânire. Astăzi, FARMEC produce peste 400 de produse cosmetice, care acoperă o gamă largă de utilizare.
Originalitatea şi calitatea produselor FARMEC a fost recunoscută oficial în anul 2002, atunci când compania a obţinut Certificatul Internaţional de Calitate ISO 9001:2008.
Începută cu peste 120 de ani în urmă, activitatea FARMEC are astăzi o largă recunoaştere, atât în România, cât şi în lume, produsele companiei fiind exportate în ţări din Europa, Asia şi America de Nord. 
Pentru mai multe detalii puteti vizita site-ul FARMEC.

De curand, am primit de la ei un "cosulet cu bunatati" ,cum imi place mie sa-l numesc, spre testare.

Pachetelul meu contine : 
1. Crema de maini si ughii cu ulei de argan
2. Noul Top Coat 3D - despre care am auzit numai pareri bune
3. Uleiul pentru cuticule din gama TratamentExpert- din aceasta gama am si baza fortifianta si peeling-ul cuticular, de care sunt multumit; sunt sigura ca nu o sa ma dezamageasca nici uleiul
4. Ultimele dar nu si cele din urma - 6 oje din colectia Farmec(cele doua "portocalii" din mijloc sunt defapt un roz si un portocaliu, care din pacate nu se deosebesc in fotografie)

Astazi o sa va vorbesc despre TopCoat-ul 3D si despre cele doua oje care nu se deosebesc. Ojele, le gasiti aici.
(din dorinta de a spune o parere cat mai corecta, despre crema de maini si despre uleiul de cuticule o sa va vorbesc peste cateva zile, pentru a le putea incerca pe o perioada mai lunga)

Desi sunt un mare fan al produselor Farmec si o mare iubitoare de oje si nail art, nu am avut pana acum nicio oja colorata de la ei. Ma bucur ca situatia s-a schimbat (o sa va spun mai jos de ce) si cred ca o sa imi maresc considerabil aceasta mica colectie.
Primul lucru la care ma uit cand spun "ESTE O OJA BUNA" este acoperirea. Avand nu foarte mult timp la dispozitie in timpul facultatii, mi-ar fi foarte greu sa stau sa astept sa se usuce 3-4 straturi de oja ca sa pot face un model. Ideal, pentru mine sunt 2 straturi.
Initial, cand am aplicat primul strat am fost dezamagita, deoarece acoperirea nu era pe placul meu dar , cu o mare satisfactie, am descoperit ca la al doilea strat acoperirea este PERFECTA.
Pe langa toate astea si uscarea este foarte rapida, fiind inca un plus pentru mine. 

Un ultim criteriu in ceea ce priveste o oja buna este cat de mult dureaza pe unghii: ei bine, cum unghiile mele doar in sesiune stau cate 3-4 zile la fel, nu pot sa zic ca ma deranjeaza daca se toceste/sare dupa 2 zile. Oja incercata este la a 3-a zi  pe unghii si rezista eroic, deci pot sa spun ca este perfect.

Acest ROZ care mi-a dat foarte mari batai de cap cand l-am pozat este un roz neon minunat. Nu pot sa spun ca sunt fan al acestei culori, ci dimpotriva , dar  arata minunat si are si un luciu superb. Nuante este ''Feeling special"

 A doua nuanta este un portocaliu foarte aprins ''Orange sunset''
Pe acesta l-am folosit pentru o manichiura simpla, pe unghiile mamei.

Dupa cum se vede in poza, am folosit si TopCoat-ul 3D.
Nu am folosit niciun TopCoat renumit (OPI/SecheVitte) ca sa pot face o comparatie, dar am folosit multe lacuri care se gasesc in comert la noi. 
Pot sa spun , cu sinceritate, ca este cel mai bun pe care l-am folosit. Desi are o consistent mai groasa se usuca foarte repede si ofera un finish lucios.
Cred ca tocmai mi-am gasit topcoat-ul preferat. Il recomand cu placere tuturor.
Raportul calitate-pret. Il gasiti AICI, la un pret promotional de 6.13lei in loc de 8.17lei. 

Voi ce parere aveti despre produsele Farmec? 
Mie imi place sa sprijin brand-urile romanesti care au produse de calitate, iar Farmec este unul dintre ele.
Pana acum am folosit : lotiune demachianta micelara(Gerovital), cremele nutritive(Doina), cremele si benzile depilatoare(Farmec),  lotiune regeneratoare cu petroleum(Gerovital) si multe altele.
O sa continui sa le folosesc incredere si mult drag. 

O saptamana cat mai frumoasa va doresc fetelor!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter H

Wow...another week has passed...which means I have finally finished my exams. I had to start with this because I am very happy. I can finally say I'm on VACATION and also at home already!

For this week's mani ... my inspiration was : HIBISCUS flowers.

The first time I saw these flowers was in Spain, in 2009. 
Since then I've adored them BC I think they are gorgeous. But...guess what? Until now I didn't know how they are called. Shame on me.
One of my good friends...helped me out with a session of brain storming , and I looked up all the words she told me with H. Can you imagine the shock I had when I saw those beautiful flowers??
I knew right then...that those are going up on my nails for this week's challenge.

Soo...for this mani I used my all time fav nude : SALLY HANSEN- Stocking Nude and some no-name acrylic paints.

I had so much fun doing this mani...I think I am going to wear it (in dif colours too) this summer!
I hope you liked my hibiscus nails ! :*

I will also anounce next week the winner of my giveaway! If you haven't entered yet you still can HERE .

Don't forget to visit the ladies :
  1. Oana
  2. Mădălina -
  3. Andreea -
  4. Ella -
  5. Madalina -
  6. Andrea -
  7. Ana's Beauty Blog -
  8. Andra Katerina -

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Blue bubble- CG Tranzition

Hello again sweet ladies.

Friday, I had the very nice pleasure to recieve a beautiful gift. The funny thing about this gift that I got to choose it, without knowing it was meant to be mine. My good friend Oana from Unghiute colorate Happy nails was the "NailPolish Fairy" this time, and I want to thank her.

When I see nail polish I am like a kid in a toy store : my head spins, my eyes glow and my hands shake . So guess how I felt when I was able to choose 2 China Glaze Tranzition( with these 2 I have a total of 3 CG). I choose "split perso-nail-ity" and " modify me ".

If you don't know this collection I am going to tell you a few words:
They are special nail polishes which change their colour when you use a special top coat ( or any topcoat).
The formula is very nice : you get total coverage with one coat.'s that type of nail polish that shows all the imperfections of your nail.

I used : MODIFY ME and my all time fav nude base: Sally Hansen- Stocking Nude,  for the mani i'll show you tonight.
I have to tell you that the topcoat I used it's a "speed dry" it didn't have the expected result : some changed..some didn't. I, however, love the overall design. I think it looks like lava lamps :D

I saved for last one special photo:

This is a magnet I have on my fridge. In the can see my grandparents at their wedding.
My grandpa died one year ago and I thought this would be a nice thing to do. Being my only granddad I loved him very much. He was and still is my soul.

I am sorry for this little sad moment, but he was very important to me.

Back to our bussines, what do you think about my mani and ChinaGlaze Tranzition?
Kisses until next time.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter G

Do I have to say the name of my inspiration for this mani??

Why I choose this?
Well...this is the movie I saw last year exactly on my birthday. At first I was mad on my boyfriend because he choose THIS movie. ( I usually hate it when a movie is advertised over and over again)
To my amusement....I absolutely LOVED it. I liked the story, the screen play ...the actors, and ofcourse, THE MUSIC.
So this is the reason Gatsby was my inspiration.

My mani is very simple and I think it really shows the poster of the movie. I hope you'll like it.

As always, I am going to ask you to visit these wonderful blogs, for more G manis :
  1. Mădălina -
  2. Andra -
  3. Deyutza -
  4. Ella -
  5. Madalina -
  6. Andreea -
  7. Oana -
  8. Oana -
  9. Andrea -


    Thursday, 12 June 2014

    BornPrettyStore Review

    Studs, today we have studs!

    As you already know I've been collaborating with BornPrettyStore , this being the second time they send me stuff to review. (i reviewed 2 stamping plates and a set of brushes the first time)

    This time I choose: a stamping plate(i think i'm going crazy), one sheet of waterdecals(my first ones) and the NEON STUDS (find them in the link) I will be talking about today.

    I am not such a big fan of studs or rhinestones...not even talking about neon colours. (I am a very simple person : BLACK is my lifetime lover), however,  I fell in love with these. (i don't know why :)) )

    When I saw them in the site I said : I must have them!!

    I waited for this pack about 1 month ( the first time I had it in 2 weeks- I guess I was lucky) and I was VERY excited to see how they look. Guess what? Wasn't disappointed at all.
     Aren't they gorgeous??

    Well...I keept thinking what I was going to do with them..and since I don't have my nail polishes my choices were limited.
    Guess who has one of the best friends in the world? Thanks to my friend Oana=Unghiute colorate Happy nails , who was VERY kind to let me borrow some of her nail polishes I was able to do a mani with : blue, pink and purple.
    Well...what I am going to tell you about these beautifully coloured studs is this : they have a gorgeous colour, they are very easy to apply and they stick very easily on the nail( I added a dot of clear nail polish and the put the stud on) and they are of very good qualitty.

    I really like them and I am sure I will use them more often (maybe I'll start wearing neon colours)

    Here's the mani I did:

     You can find them HERE.
    I used for this mani  Sally Hansen - Shirmply divine ; Flormar 445 and  Bell Glam Wear 431.

    Don't forget to visit :   and use my 10% off code at any purchase!

    Friday, 6 June 2014

    Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter F + SWATCH

    Hello lovelies!

    How are you this Friday?

    My week was..busy(studying of course) and "sad" because the days were rainy.
    However...the thought of posting my F mani made it better.

    As you already know(and probably getting tired already) my laptop for this week's mani I only have ONE pic :(. Soo..i decided to show you as a bonus a swatch.
    I recieved yesterday a beautiful yellow from Catrice.(Glamazona- Lime heart is beating like a jungle drum)

     I will firstly show you the F mani. I choose FLAMINGO  for this weeks challenge. I hope you'll like them.

    I used a no-name base and acrylic paints for the flamingos.

    The swatch :
    I was thinking about doing a WorldCup mani (but...since Romania isn't participating this year I have to do a general mani) and I needed a yellow. Well....guess who's lucky? This yellow is perfect...and I cannot wait to use it for the mani.


     Today I also had a matching outfit. I never do this...but this was a lucky-match :)

    So sweethearts, what do you think ?
    Do you like my IN LOVE FLAMINGOS and my crazy yellow?
    Kisses until next time.

    Don't forget to pass by my friend's blogs!

    1. Andreea -
    2. Mihaela -
    3. Oana -
    4. Oana -
    5. Mădălina -
    6. Rita -
    7. Andrea -
    8. Andra -
    9. Andra (Sophie) -

    Tuesday, 3 June 2014

    No choices!


    I decided to name this blog post like this because I have no nail polish left. Noooo, don't worry, I did not SELL/LOST my nail polishes. 
    I sent them back home so I won't have to carry them on the train. 

    It's been ... about 5 days now and I am already going crazy. I had the same mani on...for 3 days. ( that for me it's a record) and it's awfully HARD. 
    I never thought I was going to be so sad because a few bottles of nail polish, but I am. 
    All I have left are 3 nail polishes and a top coat. How would you cope with that? 

    I even asked my boyfriend what to do since i have NO you can imagine he found it really easy to say : "do your magic". Well...I kind of did and I think the what  I ended up with might be one of my best manis.

    I was so disappointed in the beginning ...because I usually choose the design in my head and then sit and take a look over all my nail polishes and choose the colours. This time I didn't have the design in mind...nor the colours to choose from. 
    I asked one of my nail friends...and she gave me a couple of ideas; since I haven't done flowers in some time...this was a good opportunity. 

    At the end of the post I will show you a collaboration I did with 2 of my friends.

    No more talking for now, here are the pics with the mani: 

    I used:
     China Glaze- Re-fresh Mint (my first CG)
    Sally Hansen- Stoking Nude(my fav nude polish)
    Rapsodi- nr.18(lovely glitter) 

    Here's a better look at the China Glaze: ------>

    I told you before about a collab I did. friends and I thought it would be nice to do a collab. 
    This is the only way to feel closer to each other since were from different countrie/continents: USA(NYC), Croatia and Romania. 
    I was an easy choice: something we all love and didn't do untill now. The answer to that was: SUNFLOWER. 
    So here's our work: 

    I hope you liked my "no choice" and my "sunflower" manis. 
    PLease don't forget to visit my friends: Moni's Mani  and Easy nail art ideas .