This is one of my fav things to do on my nails. I love doing all kinds of flowers, using nail polish or acrylics.
For flowers I usually use acrylic.( I used them this time too)
Thanks to a very talented and sweet lady Madalina- MISS HAPPY who posted a great tutorial, I did a new kind of flower.
Here's the tutorial I used:
(please check her page HERE)
Draguta manichiura :)
ReplyDeleteI love your matt floral design 😍😍 so pretty
ReplyDeleteExtrem de rusita manichiura ta. Imi plac mult de tot culorile!
ReplyDeleteSuuuuuuperbe Andreea,foarte frumoase <3
ReplyDeleteyes, it is very of my favor mani you did it !
ReplyDeleteWow! O surpriza minunata! ♥
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumoasa manichiura.
Ma bucur tare mult, sa stiu ca ti-a placut acel tutorial si mai ales, ca te-a inspirat. :*
Foarte frumoasa manichiura,si sursa de inspiratie excelenta!Pup