Saturday, 26 March 2016

March's Nails Challenge - Flakies

Good evening darlings!

Today's post is very short and simple : flakies. No comments no, nothing :d

Saturday, 19 March 2016

March's Nails Challenge- Pastel


Today is Saturday again we have another manicure for the monthly challenge : PASTEL . 

I really liked the idea...until I had to choose the nail polishes for this and I realized I don't have a lot of pastel shades, and, since I don't have that many I decided to combine them all in one manicure. 

Here it is : 

I have to admit that doing this manicure took some time but I am really happy with the end result - what's better than a colourful mani ? 
Even if I wanted to make this manicure with only one brand of nail polish I couldn't have done it. I think this is the first time ever when I use so many colours and also brands in one manicure. 

My inspiration was this colourful cake. Let's see what inspired the other talented ladies : 

  • Mădălina -
  • Oana -
  • Madalina -
  • Deyutza -
  • Mihaela -
  • Claudia -
  • Gabi -
  • Iulia Maria -
  • Corina Andeeea -
  • Violeta -
  • Andra Kat -
  • Cristina -
  • Sophie -
  • Eva -
  • Andra Kat-
  • Alina -
  • Andreea M - 
  • Wednesday, 16 March 2016


    Hello hello !

    Those of you who follow me on different social medias have already seen this manicure, but I want to talk about the tool I used for this manicure!

    I recently got an interesting dotting tool from BronPrettyStore which I tried when doing this look.

    There's this dotting tool with exchangeable heads - which in my opinion is a SUPER DEAL!
    Why get more tools when you can have only one that does the job?

    The tool has 5 heads with 5 different sizes.
    Along with the dotting tools we have a pen head I wasn't able to try because you need a special ink-like solution which I don't have, but I've seen being used by a talented girl I know HERE .

    Monday, 14 March 2016

    Why not...glitter?

    Hello lovelies !

    Hope you are having a good week start - I had a busy day but I really had to show you something <3 nbsp="" p="">
    Recently I bought some nail polish from a blog sale ...and along side others ...I got a beautiful blue glitter from Orly, called ANGEL EYES. (after I saw how it looked on the nails I understood why they named it that way)

    I am not that much into regular glitter...but this one had something special.

    Hope you like it , because I fell in love with it :D

    2 coats of Orly Angel eyes  - over this gorgeous blue from Golden Rose. 
     2 coats were enough for a perfect coverage and perfect shimmer.

    The drying time is normal- not fast nor slow either.

    I've had the nail polish on for 3 days now and it still looks perfect- no top coat added (the shimmer in the pics is all the polish, no top coat) and also, I've had a full dish washing and household work 3 days. So this manicure wasn't 'protected'.
    I have to say I am pretty pleased with the way this is looking after 3 days - no chipping either! (yay)

    Golden Rose WOW nr. 85 

    Friday, 11 March 2016

    March's Nails Challenge- Vintage

    Buna dimi fete dragi !

    Postarea de astazi ii este dedicata unei fete foarte dragi mie Andrea!

    In acelasi timp, vreau sa imi cer scuze fata de ea, pentru ca am facut aceasta postare atat de tarziu.

    Acum...mult timp (cam jumatate de an) am primit de la ea un cadou foarte frumos pentru care nu am apucat sa ii multumesc cum se cuvine.

    Din aceasta cauza, manichiura pe care am facut-o pentru aceasta tema este realizata (aproape) in totalitate cu ojele primite de la Andrea.

    Si nu doar atat . Stiu cat de mult ii place sa se inspire din rochii/fuste/tinute in general, atunci cand realizeaza unele modele...asa ca m-am hotarat ca inspiratia mea sa fie tot o fusta.

    Sper din suflet sa iti placa ,si, iti multumesc din suflet inca o data pentru cadou - stiu ca e cam tarziu dar sper sa ma intelegi.

    ps : doar pentru ca nu am facut pana acum o postare in special dedicata ei, asta nu inseamna ca nu am folosit ojele de la ea. :P

    In ceea ce priveste tema...VINTAGE, am ales o simpla fusta care mie imi striga vintage si am incercat sa o "mut" pe unghii,

     Nici nu imi vine sa va spun cat m-am chinuit cu aceasta manichiura. Initial am vrut sa folosesc striping tape ...dar am renuntat si le-am facut cu pensula.
    Am zis ca nu se mai termina.
    Eu consider ca a meritat efortul. Voi ce parere aveti?
    Inspiratia mea :

    1. Mădălina -
    2. Oana -
    3. Deyutza -
    4. Gabi -
    5. Cristina -
    6. Corina -
    7. Andra kat -
    8. Eva Luna -
    9. Andreea M -
    10. Mihaela -
    11. Claudia -
    12. Iulia Maria -
    13. Madalina -
    14. Sophie -
    15. Violeta-

    Tuesday, 8 March 2016

    Coloured stamping !

    Coloured stamping.

    Well...for today ...I will show you my first attempt at multiple colours stamping. (I honestly don't know if there's a name  for this technique)

    I've seen gorgeous manicures done like this and I've decided to try it - it's not my best design ever but I am pretty happy with it it.

    I did it using a no-name stamping plate (from the same collection as this one) but I didn't take a picture of it.

    BUT....I used my fav stamping polishes from MoyouNails.

    Friday, 4 March 2016

    March's Nails Challenge- Hop into Spring

    Buna dimi dimi !

    Nu va scriu prea multe pentru tema de astazi - sunt prea ocupata cu 'lichidarea de stoc" oferita de Kinga.
    Oricat de mult ma bucur de ojutele pe care ea le da...imi pare rau ca le da dar o apreciez pentru curaj.
    Chiar daca suna foarte foarte ciudat cred ca nu as putea sa ma despart de dragutele mele.

    Sa revenim la ale noastre...cica : primavara, pai atunci ...hai sa flori ! :))

    1. Mădălina -
    2. Oana -
    3. Mihaela -
    4. Alina -
    5. Claudia -
    6. Madalina -
    7. Cristina -
    8. Violeta -