Nu v-am vorbit nimic despre acest giveaway pentru ca am fost foarte ocupata daaar....atata timp cat avem 8 premii pentru 8 persoane norocoase mai conteaza?
Ne dorim ca cititoarele noastre fidele sa fie rasplatite , acestea merita o surpriza placuta din partea noastra.
Despre ce premii este vorba:
Premiul meu consta in :
1 set cadoou de la Gerovital Happiness : 1 lotiune nutritiva pentru corp si 1 crema hidratanta pentru picioare
1 oja Golden Rose
1 oja Essence
1 rimel de la Kallos
Ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a participa la acest concurs:
-Sa intrati pe cele 8 bloguri in postarea anterioara acesteia cu concursul si sa gasiti un indiciu legat de Craciun(il veti gasii cu siguranta este scris cu rosu), pe care trebuie sa-l scrieti in chestionar;-Completati chestionarul cu toate cerintele(vom verifica);ATENTIE!!! Chestionarul este comun si se completeaza o singura data si este valabila inscrierea pe toate blogurile;
-Pentru mai multe sanse de castig puteti da share in fiecare zi acestei postari si completa in formularul de inscriere
;-Durata concursului este 29.11-13. 12.2015 si in termen de 48 de ore vom extrage cele 8 castigatoare, pe care le veti putea vedea in formular dupa inchiderea concursului si le vom anunta si pe paginile de Fb.
Concursul este deschis national (se desfasoara doar pe teritoriul Romaniei).
Acestea sunt blogurile participante:
ALINA - Venus Chic
OANA - Unghiutze colorate happy nails
ANDRA KITTY - Sophie's nail art dreamland
TEO - Taitzel
ALINA V - Just an angel
DEYUTZA- Deyutza's blog
ANDREA - Zona mov
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
BornPrettyStore waterdecals review
Morning ladies!
If yesterday I had a long post for you, reviewing 3 products, today I have a shorter one : some water decals I got from BornPrettyStore.
This particular sheet comes in 4 designs (2 multi colour and 2 monocolour) - find it HERE!!
I used to hate water decals...I simply couldn't use them , but trying and trying showed me that practice does make perfect!
The manicure I did today took me around 10-15 mins to finish, including the drying time of the base nail polish.
Water decals are a quick alternative to a fancy manicure or a "good friend' for accent nails - i usually use them for accent nails. I said usually, because today I did a full manicure with them.
Yes, my blog post is in english, but I have to tell you that my fav thing to eat for Christmas is piftie , why am I telling you that? I have no idea. hihi
The technique of using water decals is simple :
1.paint your nails (usually with a white nail polish- like this the design will really pop up) and let them dry completely
2. take the water decal sheet and cut the desired pattern/size
3.remove the plastic protection sheet
4. submerge in water for...10-20 seconds (the design should come off very easily now)
5. stick it on the nail and made it even,(i use a make up/ombre nail sponge to do this step), cut the excess water decal (if present) and file the tip a bit to remove any ugly corners or such things
6. add topcoat and enjoy a gorgeous manicure
It sounds complicated and time consuming but once you get used to doing this type of manicure you'll never want to stop ESPECIALLY because there are literally thousands of designs, different colours and shapes.
*do not mistake water decals for nail stickers- they are 2 different things, and the latter is more complicated to use, especially the full nail sticker and it doesn't last as long as a water decal*
If yesterday I had a long post for you, reviewing 3 products, today I have a shorter one : some water decals I got from BornPrettyStore.
This particular sheet comes in 4 designs (2 multi colour and 2 monocolour) - find it HERE!!
I used to hate water decals...I simply couldn't use them , but trying and trying showed me that practice does make perfect!
The manicure I did today took me around 10-15 mins to finish, including the drying time of the base nail polish.
Water decals are a quick alternative to a fancy manicure or a "good friend' for accent nails - i usually use them for accent nails. I said usually, because today I did a full manicure with them.
The technique of using water decals is simple :
1.paint your nails (usually with a white nail polish- like this the design will really pop up) and let them dry completely
2. take the water decal sheet and cut the desired pattern/size
3.remove the plastic protection sheet
4. submerge in water for...10-20 seconds (the design should come off very easily now)
5. stick it on the nail and made it even,(i use a make up/ombre nail sponge to do this step), cut the excess water decal (if present) and file the tip a bit to remove any ugly corners or such things
6. add topcoat and enjoy a gorgeous manicure
It sounds complicated and time consuming but once you get used to doing this type of manicure you'll never want to stop ESPECIALLY because there are literally thousands of designs, different colours and shapes.
*do not mistake water decals for nail stickers- they are 2 different things, and the latter is more complicated to use, especially the full nail sticker and it doesn't last as long as a water decal*
Monday, 16 November 2015
Bornprettystore- stamper,stamping plate and stamping nail polish review
Bornprettystore all over the place!
As you already know ... BornPrettyStore is the first company I started working with when I started my blog...and I am still doing that.
Writing on my blog for them is one of my biggest pleasures...but even better is when I open the package - I am like a kid open a present.
Today I have for you 3 products in the review : a stamper, stamping plate and a special stamping nail polish.
I will start with the stamping plate BP-L020 !- You can find it HERE.
I've told you a million times my opinion about their stamping plates- and from all of them there was only one who was horrible (you can't even find in anymore on the site) what I wanted to highlight is that this plate is not from that category!
I could describe this plate with one word : PERFECT!
The designs are perfectly engraved, the size of the designs are good for long nails too (i reviewed the plate when I had short nails but I saw the difference between this plate and another).
On this plate you can find 14 (big) and 7(small) lace designs- these are perfect for elegant manicures. I would say this is a perfect plate for bridal designs.
This is a close up of the design I used for today's manicure. |
This is one of the most gorgeous stampers I've ever used. I know calling a stamper "gorgeous" is not the best thing , because usually when you overly "beautify' an object it means that the functions it has, don't really work - but here is not the case!
The look of the stamper complements it's functionality - this is the perfect combination between useful and fancy.
This is the most squishy stamper I ever had!!! OMG - "it's so squishy I wanna die" (related to Despicable Me)
Even if the stamper is just ~2.5cm diameter it can pick up large images and perfectly transfer them on the nail.
Before using the stamper I had to file the surface down a bit because it was very sticky, but then it worked perfectly!
I've never been so happy about a stamper! I will probably buy another one like this but bigger- it's pretty amazing.
There is only problem I have with it that it gets stains. I was not able to properly clean it after using it - I will try cleaning it better, but for the record the stains don't affect the quality of the stamper.
BornPrettyStore special stamping nail polish - Find HERE.
Well...this is the last product I will talk about today...and this is going to be a simple one.
I've used some special stamping nail polish since I started my blog and I have had different experience with them - good and bad!
This one is from the good category - I have to be honest and tell you that I wasn't expecting this nail polish to work this good but it did and that's what matter.
The nail polish is not thick nor thin , it's just like a normal nail polish but it's very opaque and it also dried not fast-nor hard, so you have enough time to get it from the plate to the stamper and onto the nail.
I haven't tried it yet for homemade decals but I will and I will tell you how it is.
I will add some photos of the manicure I did for this review too - hopefully you'll like it!
Avon Stardust- Teal glitter |
RimmelLondon Rita Ora collection- Port-a-loo-blue |
Thanks BornPrettyStore for the products - I love them. If you want to order on BPS you can always use my discount code: CUMX31.
Have a good day.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Snail Vinyls Triangles
Morning beauties!
Astept de mult timp sa va arat manichiura asta! Sper sa va placa la fel de mult cum mi-a placut mie.
Am primit de la iubita mea Oana niste care am mai incercat sa le folosesc o data si am esuat :)), dar nu m-am dat pagubasa si...mi-a iesit!
Sunt extrem de greu de folosit : nu se dezlipesc cum trebuie , se rup, se intind, nu se lipesc pe unghie sau dimpotriva se lipesc prea bine...un chin, dar un chin care merita.
Daca vreti sa folositi ceva de genul...inarmati-va cu multa rabdare !
Va pup dragelor :*
Astept de mult timp sa va arat manichiura asta! Sper sa va placa la fel de mult cum mi-a placut mie.
Am primit de la iubita mea Oana niste care am mai incercat sa le folosesc o data si am esuat :)), dar nu m-am dat pagubasa si...mi-a iesit!
Sunt extrem de greu de folosit : nu se dezlipesc cum trebuie , se rup, se intind, nu se lipesc pe unghie sau dimpotriva se lipesc prea bine...un chin, dar un chin care merita.
Daca vreti sa folositi ceva de genul...inarmati-va cu multa rabdare !
Va pup dragelor :*
Friday, 6 November 2015
Ziaja Natural Olive hand&nail cream - Review
Buna dimi !
Astazi va invit sa cititi o postare despre un produs, ba chiar un intreg brand, nou pentru mine. Mai tineti minte ca am fost la Cosmetics Beauty Hair Fair 2015?
Ei bine...acolo, datorita Elenei - By sunshine (pe care chiar in aceeasi zi am cunoscut-o) , am facut cunostinta cu brandul ZIAJA.- despre care, trebuie sa recunosc, nu stiam absolut nimic. Am primit de la ei o crema de maini foarte interesanta si cateva mostre.
O sa va scriu parerea mea despre aceasta crema.
Despre Ziaja :
Ziaja este o companie de familie fondata de medici farmacisti. Ziaja cuprinde o gama larga de produse cosmetice pentru ingrijire adresate intregii familii.
Produsele Ziaja au formule inovatoare, bazate pe expertiza farmaceutica, dar si pe experienta specialistilor in sanatate si frumusete. Produsele sunt dezvoltate cu grija, sunt testate dermatologic si alergenic.
Produsele Ziaja sunt bazate pe cele mai bune ingrediente din natura cum ar fi uleiul extravirgin de Masline, Laptele de Capra, Untul de Cacao, Algele marine, Untul de Portocale, Untul de Shea, Uleiul de Argan, vitamine.
Mai multe detalii AICI.
Crema vine intr-un ambalaj de culoare verde (am precizat pentru ca mi-a placut enorm culoarea)de 80ml - dozajul din punctul meu de vedere se face foarte usor, iar crema este densa, impiedicand astfel folosirea unei cantitati prea mare de produs.
Imi place foarte mult mirosul acestei creme - fin si natural! (lucru care pentru nasucul meu sensibil este perfect)
Hidratarea este intensa si persista - aplicand crema zilnic. Evident , ca la oricare alta crema, mainile mele au incetat sa mai reactioneze la efectele cremei dupa o saptamana si jumatate de folosinta. (deja m-am obisnuit cu aceasta situatie si nu imi mai bat capul - alternez cremele si totul este perfect)
Aceasta este cantitatea necesara pentru folosirea cremei pe ambele maini. (da, mainile mele sunt crapate - a venit frigul, asta se intampla)
Nuva faceti griji...crema nu a ramas neconsumata. Am primit doua tuburi...mai am doar jumatate din cel de al doilea. (am pe cineva in casa care s-a indragostit de ea)
Singurul lucru care nu mi-a placut la aceasta crema este faptul ca, desi intra foare rapid in piele si nu este DELOC lipicioasa, chiar si la 30min dupa folosire, daca te speli pe maini ...iesi putin din piele.
Eu nu ma pricep absolut deloc la ingrediente, dar daca printre voi este un invit sa le cititi in poza alaturata.
Cei de la ZIAJA (pronuntat JAIA) au o gama foarte larga de produse, pentru toate dorintele si nevoile - gasiti mai multe AICI.
Stiu ca nu am facut un review clasic la un produs cosmetic, ci dimpotriva a fost foarte dezordonat , dar cu toate astea sper ca v-a pus macar pe ganduri sa incercati produsele lor.
Sincera sa imi doresc sa incerc multe altele. Ma tenteaza foarte mult Gelul de dus-Orange Butter Creamy Shower Soap- cititi despre el pe blogul Oanei.
Produsele se gasesc in farmacii, dar si in magazinele cu profil naturist din Bucuresti si din tara.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Trandafiri stampilati!
Ce faceti in aceasta dimineata? Eu tocmai am ajuns acasa de la munca si m-am gandit sa fac o postare pe blog : scurt si la obiect.
Am pregatit o manichiura simpluta astazi, un tip de manichiura pe care mi-am dorit de mult sa o incerc - ombre stampilat.
Am ales sa fac un ombre cu alb-bej-maro si am stampilat cu negru.
Golden Rose Color Expert nr.72 |
SixteenCosmetics nr.551 |
Sper ca v-a placut manichiura mea inflorata! Va pup
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