Saturday, 30 August 2014

Accesorii de la DressLily

Hello again!

Acum ceva timp am castigat un giveaway organizat de Maria Sasa KONAD ADDICT , constand intr-un voucher de cumparaturi in valoare de 15$ pe DressLily .

M-am gandit si rasgandit ce sa imi iau. Daca intrati pe site-ul lor o sa vedeti ca au o gramada de produse dragute.

M-am uitat si la rochite ...dar mi-e teama cu marimea ... astfel am ales sa imi iau accesorii.

Am crezut ca o sa imi fie mai usor....dar dimpotriva, mi-a fost si mai greu :)) ( am petrecut cel putin 2 ore pe site pana am ales)

Sper sa va placa ce am ales.

Eu sunt foarte multumita de calitatea produselor. (am ramas placut impresionata cand le-am vazut).

Inca un lucru de care sunt FOARTE multumita este timpul de livrare: pachetelul a ajuns in mai putin de 2 saptamani la mine. ( si in plus, a venit la posta normala, nu la cea vamala)

 Pana acum ceva timp nu eram adepta colierelor statement...dar de cateva luni ma fascineaza. De aceea am ales aceste doua coliere superbe.

Un lucru care nu ma fascina deloc pana acum...era auriul la bijuterii, ei bine asta s-a schimbat.

 In ceea ce priveste ceasurile...e simplu: sunt accesorile mele preferate. (nu plec de acasa fara ceas pe mana- cu toate multe ori ma uit la telefon cand ma intereseaza ora)

Bratarica asta e singura pe care am vazut-o si am "bagat-o in cos" instantaneu.
Mi s-a parut foarte draguta bufnita, asa acum o sa o port pe mana.

Sper sa va placa ce mi-am ales.

Nu uitati sa vizitati

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter R

Hello darlings.

Today I will be short, I will just show you the pics.

I'll have to thank for this idea to my good friend Monica- Moni'sMani because she pushed me to do it, when I thought I couldn't.

I really hope you like the mani I did.

THE RABBITS : Jessica and Roger 

Don't forget about the sweet ladies :

Friday, 29 August 2014

Cute TAG

Good morning darlings.

How are you today?  I think I can guess that for you : GOOD since it's FRIDAYYYY!!

I'd like  to say that myself...but since I'm on vacation...I don't really care what day of the week it is. Unfortunatelly I am not in a very good mood because of the wound I have on my finger.

I have to admit that it's already getting better (After just one day of no polish), fact that makes me happy.

Since I cannot do my nails I kept looking for something else to do...and thanks to Diana - Makeup Dream I found something nail polish related.

She did this cute and funny tag...with 11 question regarding nail polish.

What else could I have found to do? (I was planning to reorganise my polishes...but this sounds a lot better)

Before I start to answer the questions ....I will tag some friends to do it : OANA , ANDREA , ITHI , MONI   and last but not least HELENA .

1. Which color family of nail polish do you own the most of?

Well...honestly, I always thought I was a blue person (since I was little I adored blue) but...on a recent count I was socked to see that I have more GREEN polishes.
I don't know what to say about this...because everytime I think about it I start laughing. I never went to a store with the idea of buying a green nail polish.

2. Name your most favorite memory you associate with a specific polish?

 It's a bit hard for me to tell you my "fav" story about a nail polish ...because I usually buy them myself and thank god nothing happened in the stores. 
However, having a friend who apreciates and encourages what you do and like it's my story will be about THAT friend: my dear Oana. 
A few months ago ... there was a blogsale where I saw 2 ChinaGlaze Tranzitions and fell in love at first sight with them. 
Unfortunatelly I didn't have the money to buy them...but my sweet friend decided to buy them for me, as a gift. 
I've thanked her many times for that...but I will do it again and again. 
Thank you my dear! :* 

3. What's your best-kept secret for chip-free polish?

This is going to be a funny story : the nail polish on my nails doesn't have the time to chip. :))
I usually keep the same design a maximum of 2 happened only 2 or 3 times to keep a design more than 2 days. 

But, if I know I won't be able to do my nails the next day... I will for sure use the 3D Gel Top-Coat  from Farmec. 
This is the best top coat I've used until now. 

4. Which brand do you own the most colors and why is that formula your favorite? 

Even if I have a great variety of brands...the most I own is Golden Rose. 
This is the brand I've known since I was little : my mom used to buy lipstick from this brand.
I think that they are my fav because, usually, you only need 2 coats for perfect coverage, they last very well, they never chip and they also have a very good price. 

5. Name the polish you like the least in your collection and why you still hold onto it. 

This is a simple answer : my Safari yellow. 
I hate the formula : it needs at least 3 coats to look decent...and it dries very hard..but what can I do if I LOVE the colour? 
 I like it because it's not a neon yellow. (you can see it HERE )

6. Name your holy grail of polish remover? 

This is a simple one : polish remover from FARMEC. 
Even if I tried many brands...I am loyal to this one. 

7. If you use glitter or nail effects, which is your favorite brand and why? 

I have to say GoldenRose again...because they have gorgeous glitters and textured polishes. ( find them at  COSMANIA .
However, I have another collection I absolutely love...from CATRICE.( L'Afrique c'est chic)

 8. Do you match your toes to your nails when you repolish?

The answer is NO. It happened a few times...but I don't do it on purpose. 
I usually have a simple colour on my toes.

9. Name the specific polishes you've repurchased more than twice to show us your holy grail colors. 

This is a simple one : black and white. (these are my most used ''colours" )
These are soon going to be thrown away...and I will add the 3rd generation of GoldenRose no.71 and Flormar no.006

10.Do you paint accent nails or only use one color?

I think you already know the answer to this question. 
If I don't to a sophisticated design on all my nails I will surely to an accent nail. 
I feel sad if my nails don't have designs on them. 

11.Can you name the oldest polish in your collection?  

Oh yes, I surely can: ART DE LAUTREC 
This is more than just my oldest polish in my collection. SHE it my fav nail polish in the world : it was less than 1$ and it only needs one coat to be perfect. 
Unfortunately...I wasn't able to find it again , and she has dried almost completely. I won't throw her away, ever. 
(and I know I should have used "it' instead of "her/she" but she's that important to me ) 

I hope  you liked my answers.
I cannot  wait to see what the girls I tagged answer. 

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Autumn colours.

Hello hello.

Acum o saptamana v-am aratat 3 swatch-uri si 3 manichiuri cu flori (puteti sa le revedeti  AICI ) folosinf oje de la Golden Rose.

Ei am putut sta departe de stand-ul cu am mai cumparat inca 3.

Daca saptamana trecuta v-am aratat 3 culori pale...astazi o sa va arat ceva mai "de toamna" : rosu, mov si maro.

Cu toate ca m-am dus la magazin cu gandul sa-mi cumpar o oja maro ( uimitor in cele 140 oje pe care le am, nu am niciun maro) mi-a atras privirea si un mov superb iar rosul a fost un bonus: nu-l puteam lasa acolo :))

Nu va mai zic despre nebunia asta pentru ca nu are rost.
Ieri m-am dus in DM sa imi cumpar apa micelara de la Garnier (multumesc  Miha - Beauty corner for women  pentru ca m-ai convins sa o cumpar) care este in oferta cu doar 17lei ,dar din pacate (sau din fericire) am plecat si cu niste pensule si o oja.
Cred ca am ajuns la un care si daca ma duc sa cumpar paine ma intorc si cu oje :))
 Trebuie sa infiintam un grup de AA-meetings pentru noi , "polish-aholics" .

Stiu ca pentru voi 140 de oje sunt o nimica toata...dar pentru mine sunt destul de multe; ma chinuie spatiul...dar din fericire al meu tata a acceptat sa-mi construiasca rafturi pe perete.

Sa revenim la treburi serioase : cele 3 swatch-uri

Stiu ca nu e foarte frumos ce am facut...dar nu am avut incotro: din pacate m-am intepat cu forfecuta (in degetul mijlociu) si mi-am facut o rana de toata minunea a facut si puroi :( , asa ca am pus watermark-ul exact peste.
Din acelasi motiv...cred ca o saptamana nu o sa imi mai fac manichiura pentru ca sa se poata vindeca...
Nu va faceti griji...manichiura pentru litera R am facut-o aseara deci nu scapati de mine.

In ceea ce priveste oja mov, trebuie sa va spun ca am avut mari probleme sa o surprind in toata frumusetea ei. (am patit asa  foarte des in ultimul timp cu ojele mov/lila) 

Daca data trecuta am ales sa fac toate modelele cu flori...astazi va arat modele stampilate. Am cateva modele pe care nu le-am incercat pana acum m-am gandit ca asta este un moment bun.

Oja mov : 208

Initial mi-a fost teama sa stampilez auriu peste mov dar am zis sa incerc. Sincera am fost uimita de rezultat: mi-a placut la nebunie.
Am folosit oja de stampital de la MoyouNails .
Aceasta culoare mi se pare un inlocuitor foarte bun pentru China Glaze- Urban Night 

Oja rosie : 178

In ceea ce priveste modelul realizat pe oja rosie pot sa zic ca "am mers la sigur" : negru, eternul negru.
Am ales un model elegant. (mi se pare ca arata ca un tapet din acela vechi din anii '60)

Oja maro: 187

Ultima dar nu cea din urma (cea pentru care m-am dus initial la magazin) superba oja maro.

Si de aceasta data am preferat sa aleg o combinatie sigura: bej cu maro.
De aceasta data la stampilat am folosit oja mea nude preferata : Stocking Nude - Sally Hansen

Cum vi se par cele 3 culori?
Eu le-as purta zilnic pe toate,de multe ori sunt trista ca nu am 10 maini.

Monday, 25 August 2014

I let dad choose!

Hello darlings.

How are you tonight?

I am not as good as I would have wanted to be : the weather makes me cry.
I went for a walk tonight (around 7:00pm) and I had to wear a jacket...that for me means only one thing: AUTUMN is here.

Is not like I hate this just that I love the summer more.

Getting over my little sadness...let me tell you about the mani I am going to show to you tonight.

Since I started my "polish crazyness" my dad was 100% supportive. (and I apreciate that a lot)

He usually gives his opinion on designs I do; it's always simple : "i like it" , "i don't like it" , "i don't get it" , "what is that supposed to be?" . Even if his answers are simple...they are important to me.

Since he's been so supportive...I've decided to get him involved a little more : I gave him the opportunity to choose 3 colours for me to do a design with.

He said yes (it's not like he had a choice though) and he choose: red, yellow and black(thank god for that black)

I was a bit disappointed to see what he choose....because, honestly, I had NO IDEA what to do with them.

From here..I started my "what-to-do" routine: I did an accent nail (yellow) and started to do a french with the red. (Usually when  I don't know what to do I do a french mani - it's kind of my thing)

After I applied the red...inspiration striked me : POKEMON.

I've wanted for some time to a Pikachu manicure ...and it look like my dad pushed me, without even knowing.

Unfortunatelly....the topcoat smudged Pikachu's face a bit (but I hope you can still like him)

I am very curious to know what would you have done with these 3 colours?

Kisses darling- untill next time

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter Q

Good evening darlings!

How are you tonight?  Are you ready for a new alphabet challenge manicure?

I think that no letter had me thinking so much about what to do : queen, quatrefoil, quartz, question and even Qatar (I didn't do the flag because it's very simple) 
After a lot of thinking and even more googling I decided to do : QUAGMIRE.

Who is Glenn Quagmire?
Glenn Quagmire is the sex-crazed, perverted neighbor of the Griffins.

No, I am not a big fan of Family Guy but this time they saved me.


Thursday, 21 August 2014

Swatches and flowers.

Buna ziua !

Ce fac dragele mele astazi?

Eu sunt fericita ca am avut timpul necesar si mai ales rabdarea, ca sa fac 3 swatch-uri si 3 manichiuri diferite. (maine o sa am o zi foarte grea asa ca ma delectez scriind pe blog)

Zilele trecute am simtit nevoia sa adaug ceva in mica mea colectie de oje (care a ajuns la 140 bucati) si mi-am cumparat 4 oje(3 GoldenRose si 1 Farmec) si un top coat matifiant (o sa va vorbesc despre el mai jos).

Astazi o sa va prezint cele 3 oje de la GoldenRose.

Majoritatea stiti ca cei de la GoldenRose au produse de calitate si ca de obicei, nu m-au dezamagit. Produsele lor le gasiti pe site-ul COSMANIA (au promotii si reduceri)

Hello darlings.

How are you today? 

I am happy because I had the time and patience to do 3 swatches and also 3 different designs. ( tomorrow I will have a long and stressfull day so I will relax today, writing on my blog)

The past days I felt the need to add some babies to my collection (which has just hit 140 pieces) and so I bought 4 new nail polishes(3 from Golden Rose and 1 from Farmec) and also a matte top coat ( I will tell you more about him in this post)

I will talk about the 3 Golden Rose polishes.

The majority of you already know that Golden Rose have good quality products and as usually they didn't disappoint me.

 De la stanga la dreapta : 223, 222 si 120. In realitate si portocaliul este pal dar nu am reusit sa il fotografiez. (este foarte pretentios)

I had some problems capturing the true colour of the reality it's more pale.
O sa incep cu oja nr.223 :

Dupa cum va spuneam si mai sus, mi-a fost foarte greu sa fotografiez acest portocaliu. El este mai pal in realitate, dar are un luciu foarte frumos.

As I was telling you above, it was hard to capture the colour. It's a bit more pale...but it has a nice glow/shimmer. 

Oja nr.222.

Mi-a placut foarte mult acest verde. Sincera sa fiu...este un bun inlocuitor pentru ChinaGlaze- Re-fresh Mint.

I really liked this green/mint. And honestly...this is a good dupe for ChinaGlaze - Re-fresh Mint.

Oja nr.120 :

Cele care citit blog-ul meu constant stiti ca nu sunt o mare iubitoare a acestei culori. Cu toate astea am ales-o pentru ca are o nuanta placuta, linistita.

Those of you who read my blog constantly, you already know that I am not a pink lover. However I choose this one because it's very...calm. 

Toate ojele le-am dat in 3 straturi. (nu m-a bucurat foarte tare acest lucru dar se usuca destul de repede)
Modelele le-am pictat cu vopsele acrylice si deasupra am dat top coat-ul matifiant.

I applied the nail polish in 3 thin coats and I did the designs with acrylic paints and sealed with a matte top coat. 

Asta este al doilea top-coat matifiant pe care il am. Primul este unul pe care l-am primit spre testare de la Cupio.
Din pacate nu l-am folosit pentru ca se usuca foarte greu...
Initial am vrut sa cumpar unul de la Flormar dar singurul magazin era prea departe de mine ... asa ca l-am luat pe acesta de la BK, am platit 10lei.
Chiar daca am fost sceptica la inceput...pot sa spun ca este extraordinar de bun. Are un efect foarte bun si se si usuca repede.

Sper sa va placa manichiurile mele cu flori. Va pup
I hope you'll like my flower manis. Kisses