Saturday, 24 January 2015

NTC- Negative space nails


It's that time of the week again : nail team challenge.
Today's challenge : negative space (something I really started to enjoy doing)

Today we have thank my dear  Madalina for this great idea! (I think that rhymes)

Today I will show you 2 different manicures - the one I firstly did for the challenge the one I did after that because I didn't like the first :)) (I won't make a separate blog post with I didn't want it to go to waste)

There is no more to be's manicures for today challenge:

My 2 designs are a bit different :

I don't know why I didn't like this manicure (black) but I am a lot happier with the other one. (purple ombre)

Which one do you like better?

Have a great weekend!!

  1. Madalina
  2. Iulia B.
  3. Mihaela -
  4. Iulia Maria -
  5. Andreea -
  6. Mădălina -
  7. Ella -
  8. Andrea -
  9. Oana

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Holo, ruffian!

Buna dimineata dragelor!

Sper ca inca mai rezistati...mai sunt 2 zile si vine week-end-ul, vine colaborarea noastra...ah, abia astept!  Am pregatit manichiura de acum 2 saptamani si abia astept sa o scot "in lume".

Initial nu aveam niciun plan sa scriu pe blog pana sambata...dar ieri am avut o zi groaznica : treaza de la 7, plecata de la 10 de acasa, intoarsa acasa tarziu , 2 examene...stres, agitatie, nervi, si pur si simplu m-am gandit ca asa o sa ma descarc putin. In plus, o sa va arat o manichiura pe care o o oja pe care o ador.

Este prima mea oja holografica!! Probabil ca multe dintre voi stiti ca mi-am dorit enorm de mult o oja de acest gen...dar nu am reusit pana acum sa pun mana pe una.

Saptamana trecuta...mi-am achizitionat de la Flormar 2 oje holo care abia asteptam sa le incerc.(o sa le vedeti mai jos pe amandoua)

M-am gandit destul de mult ce manichiura sa fac cu oja minunata - ei bine, exista un stil de manichiura (despre care am aflat mai tarziu ca are si un nume) pe care mi-am dorit sa il incerc de ceva timp am facut-o : astazi o sa va arat ruffian.

Habar nu aveam ca aceasta tehnica are crezut ca e pur si simplu o manichiura ...un fel de french inversat :))

Ei bine....sper sa va placa! Eu m-am indragostit atat de oja holo cat si de manichiura. Am purtat-o cam 3-4 zile pe unghii :D

 Dupa cum vedeti am combinat oja holo cu acest minunat nude la GoldenRose .
Am folosit deja de cateva ori oja si o iubesc. Imi aduce aminte de minunatul meu nude (care nu mai exista in colectia mea) de la SallyHansen-Stocking Nude.
GR Color Expert- nr. 06 - o aplic in doar 2 straturi si este perfecta!

FLORMAR- 394 Golden Orchid
Sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre minunata oja :
Este in aceeasi sticluta ca majoritatea ojelor de la Flormar.
Pensula nu este nici foarte ingusta dar nici lata-  eu ma descurc foarte bine cu ea. (nu pot sa acopar toata unghia dintr-o miscare dar aia nu este o problema)
Se aplica foarte usor, se intinde foarte bine si se usuca destul de repede. Eu am folosit 3 straturi subtiri(mergeau si 2).
Dupa cum vedeti...straluceste fantastic. ( nu am prins nicio zi cu soare ca sa pot surpinde oja in toata splendoarea ei, din pacate)
Ultimul aspect: se sterge usor. Nici ca o oja normala dar nici ca un glitter sau o oja texturata.
Eu le recomand cu caldura si incredere. Efectul lor pe unghii este pur si simplu WOW.
Bineinteles ca am "incheiat" manichiura cu top coat-ul meu preferat de la Farmec.

Pe langa poze, am si un filmulet pentru voi, filmulet pe care il gasiti si pe Instagram. 
Cealalta oja este clasicul gri :

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Good evening lovelies!!

How are you tonight? 

Tonight I want to show you a manicure I didn't like at first- but learned to love after all.

I did my first Chevron manicure tonight...I've been wanting to do a chevron for a long time. I tried doing it with strips, by hand...and in the end I did it by stamping. (you''ll see the plate and also a small review for a stamper)

I hope you like my manicure as much as I did- in the end :)) 

You can see another chevron manicure( a different style) done by a  talented nail artist, a dear friend of mine,  Kinga - Polish Blue My Mind - HERE!!

Today's manicure is 100% a Golden Rose manicure :
Base: GoldenRose- No more ridges & yellow
Base colour : GoldenRose- Rich Color nr.44
Black chevron : Golden Rose Paris- nr.71
Glitter : GoldenRose nr.162

I also want to show you the stamping plate I used : MoyouNails nr.128

I told you in a lot of blog posts how much I LOVE the MoyouNails stamping plates - this one is not a different one.

The design transfered perfectly on my nails. I simply love it. You should try it out if you haven't already.

Remember I told you about a stamper at the beggining of the post?

I recieved this from my good friend Oana a few months ago and until now I haven't used it.

I thought this was the perfect opportunity to use it- and it was!

The stamper isn't as soft as I am used to...but it's ok, after I filed it, it worked.

It's not the best stamper I used- the one I have from MoyouNails it's a lot better.

The best feature of this stamper is the fact that is rectangular- you can use it better for a longer nails.

You can find this stamper HERE!!

I hope you like my manicure!

Have a good night!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

BornPrettyStore- Stamping plate BP-15

Good evening everybody!!

I am very glad that I am able to write another blog post this weekend. Unfortunately I am very busy with my exams and I cannot truly do my work as a blogger.

To be 100% honest with you...I have a bad flu and I can barely stand up , much less learn! Since blogging is something I do with a lot of pleasure I find it comforting and a lot easier to do.

I have a lot of manicures I haven't had the chance to show to you...but I hope I will in the near future. (I will also have a giveaway on my blog- my "baby" will turn one year in February)

Tonight I will show you a manicure I did with a stamping plate from BornPrettyStore - nothing winter related even if the colours are perfect.

As many of you already know, the BornPrettyStore plates are very good. (this one is from the collection before Christmas- they are better than the ones they had before- the hexagonal ones)

Talking about stamping plates- they are having a lot of SALES right now on their site- especially on pre-sale stamping plates. And you also recieve a free gift if your order is bigger than 15$ or 25$   CHECK IT OUT HERE!!!

As for the manicure...I just wanted to some stamping over the gorgeous blue you'll see.

Sometimes I wish I had sun when I took the pics...well this time I don't. The silver is very shinny and because of the sun you cannot see the design very well...I am sorry but I cannot fight mother nature!

Saturday, 17 January 2015

NTC- French manicure

Well hello there...

Remember last week when I told you about the new collaboration I started with the girls? Well...this is week #2 of the challenge and I proposed today's theme.

You should already know I love french my theme was french.

I decides to use the colour of the year 'marsala" for this manicure and I also did a tutorial- hope you like it.

  1. Andreea M -
  2. Andrea -
  3. Andra -
  4. Iulia Maria -
  5. Mădălina -
  6. Alina JustAnAngel -
  7. Madalina -
  8. Oana -
  9. Andra (Sophie) -

Saturday, 10 January 2015

NTC-Inspired by....

NailTeamChallenge : 1. Inspired by...

Buna seara/dimineata dragele mele!

Nici nu s-a incheiat bine colaborarea "toamna-iarna" (haha...e o colectie de manichiuri nu de haine) ca deja am si inceput o noua colaborare.
Eu sunt in grupul "The Polish Addict" de pe aproape un pana acum am avut destule colaborari. Cu toate aceastea...cred ca cea care incepe astazi este cea mai ''personala", cea mai apropiata de sufletul nostru daca pot sa spun asa.

De ce? Ei aceasta colaborare, exista 18 teme (o sa le vedeti intr-un colaj la finalul postarii), teme propuse de fiecare dintre noi.
Dupa cate am observat...majoritatea am propus tema...tehnica/stilul care ne place cel mai mult. (eu am propus french, AndraKat a propus MULT verde iar Madalina watermarble - nu va spun mai mult, vedeti la sfarsit)
Pentru aceasta colaborare, draga mea Andrea a facut un colaj, foarte foarte dragut, care cuprinde atat temele propuse cat si autorii lor. sa nu lungesc foarte mult postarea(care oricum o sa fie lunga) incep prin a va spune cine a propus minunata tema de azi : mult iubita si indragita mea Oana. Ce a propus ea?
Ei bine...dupa cum se vede si in titlu, tema ei se numeste "Inspired by..." (a existat si o continuare : book, movie) am vrut din suflet sa fac o anumita manichiura...asa ca am largit putin orizonturile.

Acestea fiind spuse...mi-am permis sa interpretez tema pe placul meu si am numit-o " Inspired by your favourite sport team's logo". Da da...probabil ca era mai simplu sa fac ceva dupa un film sau o carte...dar nu am vrut.

Poate ca nu toate stiti ca mie-mi plac sporturile mult, foarte mult. (ma uit la handbal, volei, fotbal..etc) Ce cu siguranta nu stiti...este ca as da 10meciuri de fotbal ca sa vad unul de hochei jucam de echipa brasoveana CORONA WOLVES BRASOV.

Exista foarte multe motive pentru care imi plac...(voi enumera cateva mai jos) si de aceea am ales sa fac o manichiura cu logo-ul lupilor.

Ei..cum vi se pare, asa la prima vedere? Mie-mi place la nebunie stema lor, imnul lor...numele lor.

Ca sa revin la motivele pentru care imi place acest sport: in primul rand timpul de joc EFECTIV este 60min(in momentul in care arbitrul a fluierat- cronometrul s-a oprit. De aceea, cu multe ori un meci poate dura si 2 ore), in al doilea rand...jucatorii sunt cu adevarat sportivi (nu am nicio problema cu fotbalistii...dar ei la un cot in gura se tavalesc pe jos 5minute- hocheistii in schimb NU, au primit un cot in gura, dau si ei unul inapoi :)) si apoi continua) si in al treilea rand, sunt cu adevarat devotati echipei, antrenorului si noua, spectatorilor. (Astea ar fi pe scurt cateva din motivele pentru care imi place hochei-ul. O sa mai mentionez asa faptul ca majoritatea arata foarte bine)

Bun...daca sunteti curioase sa vedeti ce imi place mie..puteti urmari astazi (10.01.2015) un meci al lupilor, sustinut acasa impotriva celor de la Miskolci de la ora 19:45. 

Revenind la treburile noastre...o sa va arat manichiura acum.

Am decis sa fac lupul pe inelar(si m-am straduit foarte mult sa il fac cat se poate de detaliat) , un tricou pe mijlociu si in rest un color block in culorile echipei.

"Tricoul" de pe degetul meu..este numarul 33, Patrik Polc, portarul echipei Brasovene. De ce l-am ales pe el?
In primul rand pentru ca este un portar exceptional cu niste reflexe incredibile si in al doilea rand, de dragul manichiurii. Daca alegeam un alt jucator (ex.Hietamachi/ Pysarenko) nu aveam loc pe unghie. (si asa m-am chinuit tot stramb a iesit).

Sper din suflet ca nu v-am plictisit cu postarea mea kilometrica.

Cred ca este una din postarile lungi pe care le-am scris cu draga inima si cu multa stima, respect si iubire in suflet, pentru sport, pentru echipa dar si pentru minunatul meu oras, Brasov.

(si da, daca sunteti si un jucator preferat..dar prefer sa-l pastrez doar pentru mine)

Daca va intereseaza, mai multe detalii despre Corona Wolves Brasov, gasiti pe

Eu o sa raman un fan al lor si o sa ma duc cu mare drag la toate meciurile la care o sa pot sa ajung. Din pacate urmatoarele meciuri le pierd...dar poate am noroc in februarie cand voi fi in vacanta.

Acesta este banner-ul acestei colaborari- sper sa va placa temele propuse si sa urmariti cu entuziasm colaborarea pana la capat. Va las si link-urile fetelor care participa, mai jos: 

  1. Oana - 
  2. Alina JustAnAngel -
  3. Ella -
  4. Andreea -
  5. Iulia B. -
  6. Deyutza
  7. Mihaela
  8. Andra-
  9. Andrea -
  10. Andra (Sophie) -
  11. Teo  -

Friday, 9 January 2015

How about some glitter?

Hello hello!

How have you been? I am back to Bucharest...ready to start my exams.

Before the holidays I had done a lot of manicures perfect for Christmas/New Year, which some of them you've seen...but some not.
Well...these(because you'll see 2 manicures) are from the second category- not seen.

These two manicures are done both on my mom's nails and on mine...and they are done using my beloved Avon Stardust. You can see the review HERE!!!

I will stop talking now and I will show you some pics.

These are my nails (I guess you should know that since you read my blog) and I used Chrystalized Pink and Teal Glitter for the design.
This is a free hand design- at first I thought it would be easier to do them is I use striping tape but it wasn't I did them by hand.
I can make a tutorial for you if you like! (tell me in the comments)

For the second mani I used Chrystalized Pink and Polished Plum.
For my mother's design I used striping tape on the thumb and middle finger and free hand for the ring.(as you can see in the picture above it isn't perfect- this was the first I did, on my nails it was the 3rd time I did the design)
I did another manicure like this...on my mom's friend's nails...but I FORGOT to take pictures. (i guess this happens sometimes)

What do you think about the designs? Do you like them or are they too glitterish?