Sunday, 30 November 2014

Autumn And Winter Holidays Challenge - Autumn Tree

Buna seara! 

Astazi va scriu in romana, fac antrenament pentru maine. 

Dupa cum ati observat...m-am lasat pe o ureche si nu am mai facut manichiurile pentru colaborare la timp. 
Va spun sincer ca nu am avut timpul si nici  starea necesara pentru a face o manichiura. Atat de greu mi-a fost...incat am stat pe unghii cu aceeasi manichiura timp de o saptamana. (nici nu stiu sa va spun de cand nu am mai patit asa) 

Aseara, am petrecut pentru Sfantul Andrei impreuna cu prietenele mele dragi( 3 din 4 am fost Andree) avut o mare surpriza din partea uneia care mi-a cumparat o oja galbena. ( ma tot plangeam ca nu am oja galbena si cred ca s-a saturat sa ma auda) 
M-am gandit ca ar fi foarte frumos sa o pun la treaba cat mai repede- astfel, azi avand timpul si starea necesara am facut si eu o manichiura. 

M-am gandit mult la ce sa folosesc acel galben frumos de la Rimmel(o sa vedeti mai jos) si am ajuns la concluzia ca ar fi un bun fundal pentru copacelul imbracat in straie de toamna. 

Manichiura din aceasta seara este inspirata dintr-o fotografie pe care am vazut-o pe facebook si care mi-a placut foarte mult.

Sa va vorbesc putin despre oja galbena de la Rimmel: 
*culoarea imi place foarte mult
*se usuca foarte repede
*NU imi place deloc aplicarea se intinde bine. (am intrebat o prietena si mi-a spus ca ea nu a patit pana acum asa ceva cu ojele de la Rimmel- eu nu pot sa ma pronunt pentru ca este prima din aceasta gama. Mai am una de la ei ,dar din alta colectie , de care sunt mai mult decat multumita) 
**dupa cum o sa vedeti mai jos, oja are nuante diferite in poze - poza care este cel mai aproape de realitate este a 2-a.(din pacate nu am avut noroc sa fie soare afara si pozele nu sunt foarte bune)

 Despre oja v-am vorbit va arat si modelul pe care l-am realizat pentru aceasta tema : Autumn Tree

M-am inspirat din urmatoarea fotografie : 

Pentru acest model am folosit mai multe oje:
*Sally Hansen- Loden Green
*Catrice- Orange-Utan
*Catrice- L'Orange( colectia L'Afrique c'est chic)
*Catrice- So Classy (colectia L'Afrique C'est chic) 
*Golden Rose nr. 187
*Farmec Collection- Orange sunset
*Farmec Collection- Joyful elf
*Farmec 3D Gel Top-Coat

Cum vi se pare interpretarea mea? 

  1. Mihaela -
  2. Deyutza -
  3. Iulia -
  4. Oana -
  5. Gabriela -
  6. Ella -
  7. Madalina
  8. Claudia
  9. Teo -
  10. Rita -    

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Colourful stamping.

Hello everybody! 

Did you miss me?? I certainly did.

To be honest I don't really know why I wasn't able to write on the blog more this week...I didn't feel so good, I also had a lot on my hands with school assignments and many other things. 

Today I will show the last summer-ish manicure...because from now on I will start posting themed manicures. (National day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year).
I did this mani some time ago...but I just didn't find the right time to post it- now isn't the right time either...but I won't save it until next year :)

Unfortunately, last weekend I missed one challenge (autumn tree) : I hope I will be able to make a mani and show it to you soon. 

As a technique, for today's manicure I used stamping, multiple stamping. 

I have to apologize for the photos- I think that my hand were shaking that day...I couldn't get ONE pic to be perfectly clear! 

I applied the base colour ( Farmec Collection- Feeling Special), after that I stamped with Eveline-white and on top with MoyouNails special nail polish- blue.
I applied my all-time-favourite top coat from Farmec (Top Coat  Gel 3D)

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Autumn and Winter Holidays Challenge-Grapes Picking

Good evening darlings.

I am very sorry for my delay (as you know I was supposed to post on Saturday) - but I am home and I had a lot of stuff to do. (shopping, visits to do...and also voting)

Tonight I am going to show you a simple manicure I did for this week's challenge "grape picking". I wasn't very inspired so I decided to do a mani using my BornPrettyStore studs.

Because I wanted my manicure to be as "grapely" as possible I used one of my fav purples : SallyHansen- Good to Grape :D

Go check out how the ladies "picked the grapes" :
  1. Oana -
  2. Gabriela -
  3. Ana Maria
  4. Iulia -
  5. Rita -
  6. Andreea -
  7. Mihaela -
  8. Deyutza
  9. Andrea -
  10. TEO -
  11. Kinga 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Autumn and Winter Holidays Challenge-Falling Leaves


Another week has passed...and here we are again with this week's challenge : Falling Leaves.

My interpretation for this manicure is a bit isn't something I would do for a challenge. (I would have probably draw the leaves on my nails with acrylic paints)

This time I did something else : I used glitter to create the "falling" effect of the leaves.

What I used for this mani :
Flormar M07
Gabrini Confetti 127
Farmasi no.11
Farmec- GelTopCoat

Go see what the other ladies have done:
  1. Andreea-
  2. Mihaela
  3. Anca -
  4. Ella -
  5. Oana
  6. Deyutza -
  7. Iulia -
  8. Madalina -
  9. Gabriela -

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Sweet roses.

Good night darlings.

How are you tonight? Having a good week until now?

I have to tell you that I had a very awkward day. I haven't slept all night because of my "dorm-neighbours" who had some kind of a party all night long.

I usually don't mind them partying but today I had to get up at 6:30 and having around 3h of sleep when I have to stay 8 hours at school doesn't sound nice at all.

Well...went to school...and guess what? My crazy professor kicked me out of the class after 5 minutes. ( this is the first time this happens to me...but the reason is even better- she asked us to write down what mass media is composed of : internet, television and radio, and I didn't write that down!! well F**K you too).  That's how I spent 2h alone and then another 2h with my friend on a couch because we had a break.

After that followed another 4h with the same crazy lady.(we still talked about mass media...and this time I wrote down what she said)

I honestly believed that I had a very bad day until I went to my doctor for a check up and everything turned out better than expected.

I finally recieved some good news and I very happy about them. My 5-6 months work turned out not to be for nothing - I lost around 15kg and my health state is getting better and better.

I wanted to tell you this because I am very happy about this and also proud. I think that my life is finally getting better from many points of view.

The manicure I will show you today matches my happiness even if I did yesterday when I wasn't feeling so good. (i think something pushed me to do it like this)

This is not a different or a super hard/complicated manicure...but it's simple, elegant and cute.

I wanted something more summer-ish on my nails and I choose the ChinaGlaze Re-fresh Mint as base colour and I did the roses with my fav pink from TipTop and ChinaGlaze Trazitions- Split Personality.

I finished the manicure with my ALL-TIME-FAVOURITE top coat from Farmec.

I am very curious to know what do you think about this manicure!

 I want to remind of my MoyouNails Giveaway . I hope I will recieve a lot of manicures.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Winter is coming - manicure

Good evening!

Tonight I am going to show you "my entry" for the MoyouNails giveaway held on my blog.

Since it's November the 2nd you can already send me your manicures. Find more about the GIVEAWAY-HERE .

I've decided to do a "winter is coming" themed manicure too.

This is a very simple manicure (a good example of what you can do on your nail). Even if I would love to see amazing don't have to do Monalisa in order to participate.

As long as I can 'read'  the theme in your manicure, it's perfect.

I hope I'll be recieving a lot of manicures for this giveaway!

Good luck to everybody.

What I used for this manicure :

GoldenRose JollyJewels nr.102
TipTop- ChaChaCha
TipTop- Armourplate
Farmec- 3D GelTopCoat