Thursday, 10 April 2014

Essence-gel nails at home

Hello everybody!

Today I'm going to present to you a new great product by Essence Romania
"GEL NAILS AT HOME" it's a great pack with which anyone, no matter if they are pro or not , can do ,at home, their nails look like professional gel nails.

Astazi vreau sa va prezint un produs nou marca Essence Romania
"GEL NAILS AT HOME" este un pachet minunat, cu ajutorul caruia oricine , nail artist sau nu, isi poate face acasa o manichiura extraordinara, care arata exact ca o manichiura cu gel.

 This is how the package looks. This is the starter kit(i'll show you bellow what's inside the box) and next to it is the mini led lamp.
Asa arata cutiuta. Prima cutie este starter kit-ul ( o sa va arat mai jos ce contine) si langa mini lampa cu led.

This is the content of the starter kit: cleanser(you use it to clean your nails before and after you apllied the gel), Clear gel top coat( this is the gel that does the magic- this is the last step to a gorgeous gel mani), Peel off gel base(this is the base of your manicure- this is necessary for having a beautiful manicure and also to easy-remove it), Primer(this is used after the cleanser-it prepares your nails for a perfect manicure). Unfortunately, I didn't arranged the bottles the of how they should be used.

Acesta este continutul starter kit-ului: cleanser(se foloseste atat inainte cat si in timpul manichiurii- inainte pentru a indeparta orice murdarie si in timpul manichiurii pentru a indeparta orice reziduu care ar putea "strica" manichiura), clear gel top coat( acesta este gelul care face magia-este aplicat ultimul, pentru a oferi acel look special de manichiura cu gel), Peel off gel base( acesta este baza manichiurii, necesar pentru a avea o manichiura frumoasa si pentru a o putea curata usor) si ultimul dar nu cel din urma, Primerul(este folosit dupa ce ne stergem cu cleanser-ul - pregateste unghia pentru o manichiura perfecta). Din pacate, nu am asezat sticlutele in ordinea in care trebuie folosite.

 The little led lamp. This has a USB, so it's really easy to use it on a computer, for example.
Micuta lampa cu led- aceasta are adaptor cu USB, ceea ce o face foarte usor de folosit, la un calculator de exemplu.

How you do it:
1. File your nails to the desired shape.
2. Clean the nails with Cleanser. In case your nails touch your skin, repeat the process.
3.Apply the Primer.
4.For one nail, apply a thick coat of Peel of gel base- use the led lamp for 10 sec. (press the "E" button once). Repeat for all other fingers.
Swipe with Cleanser again.
5. Apply your desired Essence coloured nail polish.
The coloured nail polish has to be COMPLETELY DRY for the next step.
6. Apply a coat of Clear gel top coat. Cure for 10 sec.(press the "E" button once). Repeat for all other fingers.
Swipe with Cleanser again.
7. Enjoy your home-made gel nails.

Cum se face:
1. Pileste unghia in forma dorita.
2. Curata unghia cu Cleanser. Daca cumva suprafata unghiei intra in contact cu pielea, sterge din nou.
3. Aplica Primer.
4.Pentru o unghie, aplica un strat gros de Peel of gel base- foloseste lampa timp de 10 secunde.( apasa butonul "E" o singura data). Repeta procesul pentru fiecare deget.
Sterge din nou cu Cleanser.
5.Aplica culoarea dorita de la Essence(poate sa fie orice oja: cu efecte speciale, sclipici, orice)
Oja trebuie sa fie USCATA COMPLET pentru acontinua procesul.
6. Aplica un strat de Clear gel top coat. Foloseste din nou lampa 10 secunde(apasa butonul "E" o singura data). Repeta procesul pentru fiecare unghie.
Sterge din nou cu Cleanser.
7.Bucura-te de o manichiura cu gel facuta in casa!

Now, i'll show what I did. The first hand I've done isn't so great. I didn't wait enough for the nail polish to dry so the Clear gel top coat gathered a bit on the nail.

Acum, o sa va arat ce mi-a iesit mie. Prima mana pe care am facut-o nu este atat de reusita. Nu am asteptat sa se usuce complet oja asa ca, Clear gel top coat s-a adunat putin pe unghie.

As  you will see bellow,the nail bed is not filled with gel.
Dupa cum o sa vedeti mai jos, unghiile mele nu snut incarcate deloc.

Here you can see the other hand. I had more patience with this one and they look a lot better.
Priviti si a doua mana. Am avut mai multa rabdare, drept urmare arata mult mai bine.

I really think this is a good way of doing your nails if you don't have a lot of time. The BEST thing about this gel it that you don't have to FILE it down and it doesn't attack your nails. You just use an orange stick to unstick it from your nail and it just PEELS off. I haven't done that step yet, but I will, and i will make another blog post about that. They are supposed to last 10 days...this is my second day having them on...i'll keep them on at least a week to see how they are.

Cred ca este o modalitate perfecta de ati face manichiura daca nu ai mult timp la dispozitie. Cel mai bun lucru in ceea ce priveste aceasta manichiura este ca nu trebuie pilita si nu ataca unghia. Folosesti un betisor de portocal sau un instrument pentru cuticule ca sa dezlipesti gelul de pe unghie si pur si simplu se decojeste. Nu am ajuns inca la pasul acesta, dar o sa ajung si o sa fac si o postare. Teoretic, ar trebui sa tina 10 zile, eu le am abia de 2...dar o sa le tin cel putin o saptamana pentru a vedea cum se comporta.

I'll also show you 2 pics of the nail polish i used/ O sa va arat poze si cu ojele pe care le-am folosit.

Peel off gel base-16,70lei
Clear gel top coat-16,70lei
Lampa cu led-89,00lei

Sper sa va fie utila aceasta postare.
I hope you enjoyed my post.


After 5 days I decided it was time to take the gel nails down. I must confess that it was a pain in the ***. I am sure they would have lasted 10 days.
This is the way they looked after 5 days! I think they look really good. They didn't chiped or break.
Dupa 5 zile am decis ca ar fi cazul sa scap de unghiile cu gel. Trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am chinuit foarte tare sa le dau jos. Sunt sigura ca ar fi rezistat 10 zile. In pozele de jos vedeti cum arata dupa 5 zile. Eu cred ca inca arata foarte bine, tinand cont ca nu s-a rupt/nu a sarit sau nu s-a tocit gelul.

I used a toothpick to unstick the gel from the nail...but you can use an orange stick or anything of that kind, whatever suits you it's good. I tried pulling from the tip -> cuticle and the other way arround but the best way to take the gel off was by pulling from one side to the other. 
Eu am folosit o scobitoare sa dezlipesc gelul de pe unghii dar puteti sa folositi orice.(instrument pentru cuticule/betisor de portocal etc). Am incercat sa trag de gel dinspre varf spre baza si invers dar cel mai bine a mers dinspre stanga spre dreapta(sau invers, nu conteaza)

Take a look at how my nails looked after I took the gel down. ( my nails are yellow for some time now so it has NOTHING to do with the gel- I'm starting a treatment right away for that).
Aici puteti vedea cum arata unghiile mele dupa ce am dat jos gelul.( unghiile mele sunt galbene de ceva timp deci nu are NICIO legatura cu gelul- urmeaza sa inceput un tratament pentru albire chiar de azi)

I hope this was an useful review.
Sper ca a fost o postare folositoare.

Produsele mi-au fost oferite spre testare de catre Essence Romania