Friday 13 February 2015

Be my Valentine!

Hello darlings!

Today I am going to show a simple manicure I did some time ago. I didn't show you this manicure because I didn't have a good theme for it.

As you already know...the ladies from the TPA group have always prepared manicures for the holidays. (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc) could Valentine's Day have passed without a collaboration?

*Be my Valentine* it is.

I wasn't, I am not  and I  probably won't be very fond of this "holiday" - especially because it's something we borrowed. (we have a traditional holiday called "Dragobete" celebrated on 24th of February WHICH we don't really celebrate)

Read more about "Dragobete" here!

Another reason I don't like V Day is because it's a growing industry- people don't buy "just a gift" but they buy something pink/red just because that's what you can find and that's what people expect you to buy.

My last reason for not liking Valentine's D  is that you don't need a special day to show your loved one that you love him.
If you truly love someone you'll show them no matter the day.

Just to be clear- I am a romantic person and I love gifts, small gestures, roses and so on ... but I'd hate it to recieve a gift because it's "mandatory" to recieve it THAT day.
I'd rather recieve a small gift in any other day but given with love than to recieve an expensive one because he feels obliged to do it.

These being said...let's get to the manicure.

Yes, It's a pink manicure...but it's simple and with no hearts. I still hope you'll like it and find it proper for this holiday.

Unfortunately, after a few days after I did this manicure, my nails broke :( .
I liked this mani a lot...and I will do it again. 

Since this is a collaboration, don't forget to visit the ladies!
  1. Oana
  2. Mădălina -
  3. Ella -
  4. Iulia Maria -
  5. Mihaela
  6. Andra Kat-
  7. Alyce -
  8. Deyutza -
  9. Madalina -


  1. Rozul ala e superb,intreaga mani e fina si eleganta,puuuup

  2. Imi place manichiura. E asa finuta. Si sunt de acord cu tine in privinta Sf. Valentin. Mi se pare ca nu e altceva decat o "sarbatoare" comerciala.

  3. Chiar daca nu ai folosit inimioare si alte nebunii specifice aceste sarbatori tot frumoase si potrivite sunt.Pup.

  4. Foarte foarte frumoasa manichiura ta. Ador texturata asta de la Avon.

  5. Su-per-ba!Ti-am admirat manichiura peste tot ( FB,Insta) si mi-a placut super mult!
    Imi pare rau ca ti s-au rupt unghiutele,si eu am avut un accident cu ale mele si le-am scurtat foarte mult :( .
    Pupici :*

  6. Beautiful manicure and I love the colors :) <3

  7. Foarte finuță și drăguță manichiura! Oja aia texturată e superbă, neapărat trebuie s-o iau... dacă mai apar prin cataloage. :(
    Te pup!

  8. Foarte frumoasă manichiura ta! Și eu am multe oje de la Golden Rose Care+Strong și au culori atât de frumoase! :)
