Saturday 21 February 2015

NTC- Inspired by someone close to you!

Hello darlings!

It's Saturday (again) and as you are already used to...We have the NailTeamChallenge.

Today we have a theme that was proposed by Andra- : INSPIRED BY SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU.

This week was a challenge to many of us - it was hard to find our inspiration. To be honest...I knew from the start who my inspiration was...but I didn't know what I was going to do.

Someone close to me : MY MOM. It's as simple as that. I couldn't choose anybody else.

I have a lot of people who are close to my heart and who deserve a manicure and a blog post - but my mom is my heart! (maybe I'll make a weekly challenge called "close to my heart" where I'll be doing a manicure for every person I truly love- what do you think? would you be interested in something like this?)

Why did I choose my mom? Well...for starters...she's not just my mom. I know that what I am going to say it's the biggest cliche ever.

My sweet mother is also my sister(I never had) and also MY BEST-FRIEND in this world. She is my everything. I wish everybody could have a mom like mine.

Don't think that things between us is always PINK....OMG, not even close. She wasn't the kind of mother who kept me on a glass pedestal, on the contrary. She showed me how to do things around the house, she taught me how to solve my problems...she never let me slip on the wrong path.
Many of you could call her a very strict parent- yes, she was, but that only did good!

We also argue a lot because we're both stubborn but I know she's there if I need her. We cannot stay one day not talking to each other...and we talk more than 2 times a day on the phone. (more than 10 mins each time)

I cannot do anything else but thank her for what she was and did and also for what she is doing now!

I don't know what I'd do without her...I don't think I ever told her face-to-face...but I LOVE HER from the bottom of my heart.

NOW- NAILS!! I will show you the manicure I did and then I will explain what  I did.

Good- what do you think? Nothing special right?
Well...let me tell you a short story. One year ago...when I started my blog...the first manciure I posted was with my mom's nails ...and her fav  manicure. You can see it HERE.

I decided to do the "river stone mani' but in my mom's fav colors: yellow and orange. I couldn't choose another person for this manicure.

She always supported me with my passion even though many said I was crazy and that I am addicted and spending a lot of money on "useless stuff". (just so you know..I've "eliminated' them from my life- I don't need that kind of negativity in my life :)) )

I am very happy with the outcome. I hope you'll like it too!

  1. Andra (Sophie) -
  2. Oana -
  3. Mădălina -
  4. Alina -
  5. Mihaela -
  6. Ana Maria
  7. Madalina
  8. Iulia Maria -


  1. Uffffff fata dragaaa,m-ai facut sa plang :(,si sa-mi fie tare tare dor de mama.Ce frumos ai scris,superba postare si superbe unghiutze.Abea astept sa o citesti si pe a mea.Pupicei multi si tie si lui mami <3

    1. Offf iubi! Imi pare rau ca te-am facut sa plangi...dar am scris ce simt pentru mama. (si sincera sa fiu nu mi-am gasit cuvintele potrivite)
      Te pup

  2. Ce frumos <3 Atat manichiura cat si descrierea :*

  3. Beautiful post and mani hun <3 it's so nice that you've picked your mom and I'm happy for you that you have that kind of person in your life :)
    Ps I would love to see a weakly challenge inspired by ppl you love :D

    1. Thank you sweety!
      I think I will do that kind of post- thank you for answering.

  4. Lovely story..our mums .our the nails <3 kiss

    1. Yes!! I am sure you're that mum too for your lovely little lady!

  5. Foarte frumoasa postarica si foarte frumoase unghiute <3

  6. ce drăguț! să știi că m-am dus la postarea cu unghiile mamei tale cu river stone încă o dată! :) foarte frumoase! ambele manichiuri....și ”surorile”! :*

    1. Ma bucur mult ca ti-au placut unghiutele!

      ps: nu esti singura care ne-a spus asta. Pupici :*

  7. Foarte frumoasă manichiura, dar cel mai mult mi-a plăcut povestea din spatele ei!
    Te pup!

    1. Multumesc! >:D<

      Mi-a fost foarte usor sa o scriu sincer, as putea sa mai scriu multe pagini despre mama :D

  8. In primul rand, ai o mamica superba, foarte tanara si sa stii ca semanati foarte bine! Mi-ar placea si mie sa am o astfel de legatura cu mama mea. Noi de obicei mai mult ne certam, nu avem o legatura stransa, din pacate.
    Sper ca in viitor si fiica mea sa simta la fel ca si tine cand vine vorba de mine!
    Cat despre manichiura, este una foare reusita si draguta!

    1. Iti multumesc din partea mamei pentru compliment!
      (daca il vezi pe tati nu o sa mai spui ca seman cu mami :)) )

      TI-am spus la tine pe blog mai multe despre relatia asta mama-fiica. Imi pare rau totusi ca tu nu ai aceeasi relatie cu mama ta. (mie imi vine foarte greu sa imi imaginez o altfel de relatie cu mama mea)

      Te pup

  9. Am uitat. Da, categoric, pe mine ma intereseaza o rubrica Close to my heart! Te pup.

    1. Hihi. Ma bucur mult ca iti doresti ceva de genul! Promit sa ma apuc cat mai curand >:D<

  10. Tot ce ai scris si desenat e minunat! Iar mi-ati umplut ochii cu lacrimi, pt ca implicit ma gandesc la ingerul meu pazitor care e mama mea de cateva luni in coace...iubeste-o si pretuieste-o pt ca e cea mai speciala persoana din viata ta, care oricand s-ar sacrifica pt tine. Va doresc toata dragostea si fericirea din lume!

  11. Foarte frumoasa manichiura si postarea!
