Saturday, 21 March 2015

NTC- Water decals

Hello there!

As you already know .... today is the "nail team challenge" day - 11/18(looks like we are close to this challenge's end- I honestly have no idea when time flies so fast) 

Today's theme was proposed by Deyutza - WATER DECALS 

To be totally honest with you...doing this manicure I realized that I'd rather free handed paint with acrylics than using (full nail) water decals- I simply cannot get the hand of it and it makes me crazy. (this is the same feeling I have when it comes to Water Marble) but, as I've told you before, I wont stop trying. 

Today I will show you 2 manicures - I hope you'll like one of them. 

Both manicures are done with water decals I've recieved from my good friend Oana.



  1. Superbe amandoua draga mea,ma bucur ca ai gasit manichiurile potrivite pentru ele,pupicei <3

  2. ce dragute sunt ambele modele ♥

  3. Sunt superbe ambele dar preferata mea este prima.Pupici.

  4. omg! prima manichiura e geniala, o ador!
    si modelul cu maci imi place, am folosit si eu astfel de water decals <3

  5. Nice! imi place mult prima mani..e asa de colorata <3 kiss

  6. arata duper .ambbele sunt tare frumoase

  7. Cea de-a doua manichiura e foarte eleganta! <3 Prima e funky si super cute! Imi plac!

  8. Ce frumoase sunt amândouă! Dar mie-mi place mai mult prima manichiură, efectul e super! :D

  9. Nu se vede deloc ca te-ai chinuit cu aceste modele. Ambele sunt extrem de frumoase si colorate, perfecte pentru inceput de primavara!
