Saturday, 28 March 2015

Despre balsamul Eveline 8in1

Buna dimineata dragele mele!

Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc(sa va scriu defapt) despre un produs minune - balsamul de unghii 8in1 de la Eveline.

Fiind constand cu ochii pe fetele pasionate de nailart (mai ales pe fetele din ThePolish Addict grup- fete care sunt minunate de altfel) am observat ca multe vorbeau despre acest produs.

M-am tot uitat dupa el prin magazine, nu l-am gasit, cand l-am gasit nu aveam pana la urma, draga mea prietena Oana mi l-a facut cadou.(stie sa ma rasfete si o face foarte bine) Am primit mai multe lucrusoare de la ea atunci, dar cel mai invantata am fost de acest produs.

Am inceput sa il folosesc la o saptamana dupa ce l-am primit. "Norocul" meu a fost ca tocmai imi rupsesem o unghie si am fost nevoita sa le tai pe toate, deci am inceput sa folosesc balsamul la momentul potrivit.

Inainte sa va spun parerea mea(pe care cred ca o intuiti deja) despre produs, o sa va scriu cateva cuvinte despre EvelineCosmetics. 

"Brandul Eveline Cosmetics ofera tuturor produse cosmetice de inalta calitate. Brandul Eveline Cosmetics a fost fondat in 1983 si in prezent reprezinta unul dintre cei mai mari producatori de produse cosmetice din Polonia. In aproximativ 3 decenii acest brand s-a extins in peste 70 de tari din intreaga lume.Eveline Cosmetics ofera o gama variata de produse cosmetice decorative si produse de ingrijire pentru corp si fata.Noile tendinte in materie de produse cosmetice reprezinta filosofia acestei marci. Prin urmare, Eveline Cosmetics satisface nevoile si cerintele clientilor oferind o gama variata de produse.Produsele Eveline Cosmetics reprezinta inovatie,  calitate si profesionalism."

Trebuie sa va spun ca eu cunosc acest brand de foarte foarte multi ani pentru ca mama mea folosea de la ei top coat-ul cu UV. 

Descrierea produsuluiObtine unghii puternice ca de diamant cu balsamul pentru unghii 8 in 1 de la Eveline Cosmetics Nail Therapy. Daca suferi de unghii fragile si deteriorate, acest lac este cel mai bun ajutor in obtinerea unor unghii naturale, sanatoase si puternice. Culoarea ca de lapte face ca unghiile sa arate mai frumos. In plus, deja de la prima aplicare unghiile arata mai sanatoase. Compozitia este bogata in complex activ pentru unghii puternice.

  • regenereaza in mod eficient si reface unghia
  •                                                        imbunatateste flexibilitatea si rezistenta
  •                                                        protejeaza impotriva descuamarii
  •                                                        adauga luciu si netezeste
  •                                                         hidrateaza

Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost sceptica, ba chiar credeam ca fetele exagereaza cand il lauda atat de mult dar "I've never been this wrong in my life" . 
Cand am spus mai sus ca va vorbeste despre o minune, nu am mintit. Cred ca unghiile mele nu au fost niciodata atat de sanatoase, de puternice, neingalbenite etc. 
L-am folosit exact o luna pana sa va scriu despre el si pot sa va spun de pe acum ca isi merita banii. (12lei pe site-ul lor) 

Balsamul este acel gen de lac laptos, care dupa ce il aplici pe unghie nu isi pierde culoare complet. (folosit in 2 straturi cred ca ar fi perfect pentru o manichiura frantuzeasca clasica - dar nu acesta este scopul lui) 
Eu l-am folosit la fiecare manichiura ca baza si este perfect! Ce ma incanta cel mai mult? Se usuca aproape instantaneu (ca si celalalte oje ale lor de altfel). Pentru mine acest aspect este foarte important pentru ca nu imi place deloc sa astept sa se usuce oja. 
Un alt plus pe care il are acest balsam este mirosul - nu miroase urat. Am folosit mai multe tratamente de acest fel care aveau niste mirosuri insuportabile, mirosuri pe care parca le simteai cum iti ard caile nazale. 

Pot sa zic cu toata sinceritatea ca este un produs exceptional si ca il voi folosi constant de acum inainte. Unghiile mele nu au mai aratat de mult atat de bine, parca striga "suntem sanatoase", lucru care ma bucura enorm.

Imi pare foarte rau ca nu am facut o poza-"nude" unghiutelor mele inainte sa incep tratamenul ca sa vedeti cu adevarat diferenta, in schimb o sa va arat o poza cu o manichiura facuta exact in ziua in care am inceput sa folosesc balsamul si una de astazi. 
Unghiile mele au crescut extraordinar de mult intr-un timp foarte scurt(le-am mai si pilit intre timp pentru ca ar fi fost mult mai lungi de atat) 
Sper din suflet sa va fie de folos aceasta postare! 

NTC - Glam nails

Hello darlings! 

How are you today? Another week has passed...which means one thing(actually, it mean many other things, but just one important) it's NailTeamChallenge again. 

Today, we have : Glam nails, proposed by Alyce.

To be honest,  this was hard for me ...all I could think of was : glitter and shimmer, so...that's what I did. 

This is a very simple manicure but I hope you'll like it. 

Gabrini Brilliant nr.B14

Golden Rose Paris nr.138

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Wear yellow for Seth

Hello hello!

You know that since I started my blog I've done a few "support" manicures - I am the most proud about the "ThinkPink" ones (Breast cancer awareness).

Today I decided to do another manicure like that.

I am sure that by now many of you have heard about little Seth! You can read more about him here ---> OurLittleHero

He's the cutest and the most powerful 5y/o I've ever seen in my life : that's why I will do this blog post.

You can also "wearyellowforseth" on facebook, instagram or twitter. All you have to do is dress in something yellow and post the photo ussing #wearyellowforseth

Also...for nail enthusiasts can go check THIS facebook page!

Here you can read some info about little Seth :
This is my "wearyellowforseth" picture - I hope he'll get to see it and I hope he'll get better soon!
I covered my eyes because I wanted to show my manicure too.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Simple pink&silver manicure.

Hello darlings.

I am so happy I got to do another manicure and also write the blog post.

I won't be able to post that much on my page and I am sorry....but I'm finishing college in 2 months and I will be busy with my term paper and exams..and so on.

Today I have a simple and silver :D

I hope you like it!

Golden Rose Paris nr.124

TipTop- Armourplate

Saturday, 21 March 2015


Hello hello.

Did you the latest BornPrettyStore offers?

 And for the nailart addict, the giveaway?

NTC- Water decals

Hello there!

As you already know .... today is the "nail team challenge" day - 11/18(looks like we are close to this challenge's end- I honestly have no idea when time flies so fast) 

Today's theme was proposed by Deyutza - WATER DECALS 

To be totally honest with you...doing this manicure I realized that I'd rather free handed paint with acrylics than using (full nail) water decals- I simply cannot get the hand of it and it makes me crazy. (this is the same feeling I have when it comes to Water Marble) but, as I've told you before, I wont stop trying. 

Today I will show you 2 manicures - I hope you'll like one of them. 

Both manicures are done with water decals I've recieved from my good friend Oana.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Stained glass nails.

Hello ladies!

How are you? Today I want to show another type of manicure I've been wanting to try for a long time...but I didn't until now. 

To be honest, I have no idea why I didn't do this until now...BUT I absolutely love it and I will surely do it again, in different colour combinations. 

Farmasi no.11

Eveline no.192

Farmasi no.107

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Hello lovelies!

Today I want to show a type of manicure I've been wanting to do for a long time. Why did I do it now?
I was scrolling down on Instagram on +Nailstorming's (this is the Google+ account) profile and I saw a beautiful design and then told myself "I have to do this" .

She did the design with black but I decided to do it with white (left hand) and red (right hand) - I don't usually do 2 different colours on my hands...but I liked it very much like this.

I am happy that my nails are finally starting to get to the size I want - this has to do with a new base/treatment I've been using lately. (Eveline 8in1)
I will tell you more about it in a future blog post (after longer use)