Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Autumn And Winter Holidays Challenge - New Year's Eve

Good evening ladies.

For tonight I've prepared a manicure which I think it's perfect for the New Year's Eve Party.

It's simple, shinny, catchy- what more could you wish for?

I did this manicure some time ago using striping tape.

I hope you'll like it.

I also wish that every one of your wishes will come true in 2015.  I hope this new year will be better than the one we leave behind.

Have a happy new year!

  1. Oanahttp://unghiutele.blogspot.ro
  2. Andra- http://andrakat.wordpress.com
  3. Ella - www.ella-beautycorner.com
  4. Madalina - http://frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro
  5. Mihaela - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
  6. Iulia - http://iuliafairynails.blogspot.be
  7. Deyutzahttp://deyutza87.blogspot.ro
  8. Andra - http://sophiesnailartdreamland.blogspot.ro
  9. Andreea www.dittanail.blogspot.ro


  1. glamour look ! love your nails for today ;)
    enjoy and happy New Year , and all the best in 2015 !~

  2. Foarte frumoasa si eleganta manichiura ta. Sa ai un an excelent!!!!!.Pup

  3. Foarte drăguță manichiura! Și eu am ales culori mai închise pentru manichiura de Revelion.
    Eu simt că anul 2015 va fi cel mai frumos dintre toate pentru mine și la fel îți doresc și ție!
    La mulți ani! Pupici

  4. Superbe!Le ador!Un an nou plin de bucurii,realizari si tot ce iti doresti draga mea.Pupici!
