Saturday, 27 September 2014

The 31 day challenge- day 23

DAY 23: Inspired by a movie

I am happy to say that this it post no.100 .  I know that mani of you make 100 posts in a month...but for me this is a big thing!

I really liked this theme...because you have 1.000.000 choices!! For this...I decided to do Tim Burton's The nightmare before Christmas.

Tim Burton is one of my fav directors...especially because he usually works with Johny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.

I honestly hope you like my manicure. I had a lot of fun doing it :)

Tomorrow I'll show you another manicure...from a great collab "Fall into beauty".


  1. Suuuuperrrr!!!!! <3 Ador " The Nightmare before Christmas" iar unghiutele tale sunt foarte dragute! :D

    1. Multumesc! (trebuie sa spun ca eu nu l-am vazut :)) INCA )

  2. superbe <3 imi plac tare mult <3

  3. Felicitari si la cat mai multe postari! ♥
    Manichiura are multe detalii si arata foarte bine.
    Da, imi place Tim Burton si stilul lui inconfundabil. Sa nu mai zic de Johnny Depp :D

    1. Mersi mult Mada!
      Daca nu ma apucam de "the 31 day challenge" ajungeam la 100 postari in decembrie cred ca :))

      Cine nu-l ador pe Depp? :))

  4. Foarte frumoase,suuuuper au iesit <3
