Friday, 28 March 2014

The Polish Addict Challenge: TUTTI FRUTTI

This is my first time doing the TPA CHALLENGE and I am so EXCITED.
I tried to do smth different..and I hope it looks nice enough!! I am not going to tell you more about this. I'll let you enjoy the mani. 

Este prima data cand particip la TPA Challenge si sunt foarte foarte incantata.
Am incercat sa abordez tema intr-un mod sincer, sper sa arate dragut. Nu va spun mai mult despre ea ci va las sa va bucurati de ea!

I hope you liked my mani, and as a tip i'll tell you how the tutti frutti was in my head:  strawberry, water melon, orange, kiwi and grapes.
Sper ca v-a placut manichiura ca un mic ajutor, va spun si cum am vazut eu "tutti frutti" in manichiura mea: capsuna, pepene verde, portocala, kiwi si struguri! :D

Here's a list with the other girls that did the challenge:
1. Oana -
2. Madalina -
3. Oana -
4. Andra -

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Back to square.

Hello everydoby.
Unfortunately, after my last mani (red galaxy) i couldn't stand my nails i decided to make the square again! It was a short time change but for me it's better like this.
I did a simple mani for this "re-launch" with a baby blue and some glitter. This mani was a suggestion from one of my friends:D

Din pacate, din cauza ultimei mele manichiuri(red galaxy) nu mai puteam sa suport unghiile rotunde, pur si simplu nu mi se parea ca mi se potrivesc,asadar, le-am facut din nou patrate. SIncer, nu am mai fost de mult ata de incantate de unghiile mele:D
A fost o schimbare de scurta durata, am incercat, dar pentru mine unghiile patrate sunt cele mai potrivite.
Pentru marea relansare a unghiilor patrate, am facut o manichiura simpla, cu un albastru deschis si niste sclipici. Manichiura a fost o dorinta a unei prietene, deci m-am conformat!

I hope you like me new shape!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Red galaxy.

Hello there.
I hope you enjoyed this weekend as much as i did. I took advantage of the free time i had today to do a chalenge a few girls have launched. I was really excited at first...but in the end i didn't liked the result.
The theme was red galaxy nails. I did my best, but i don't think it's one of my best manicures.
I won't stop doing galaxy nails...but i will never do the red one again.

Sper ca v-ati bucurat de week-end-ul acesta minunat la fel de mult ca mine. Am profitat de ocazie si am facut o manichiura care face parte dintr-o propunere lansata de cateva fete. La inceput am fost foarte incantata ...dar rezultatul final nu mi-a placut foarte mult.
Tema a fost manichiura galaxy rosie. Am realizat manichiura cat am putut eu de bine...dar nu cred ca este una dintre cele mai bune manichiuri realizate. Nu o sa ma opresc din realizat manichiuri galaxy dar cu siguranta nu voi mai face cu rosu.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Lace manicure.

Hello girls.

I'm really sorry for not posting as often as i used too, but i have an internship and i am really busy with that.  I took the time to write this post. I really hope you enjoy this mani. I enjoyed doing and wearing it!
Untill next time, i wish you the best!

Imi pare foarte rau ca nu am mai postat la fel de des dar urmez un stagiu de practica si sunt foarte ocupata. Cu greu am reusit sa fac aceasta postare. Sper sa va placa manichiura. Eu m-am bucurat si cand am facut-o si cand am purtat-o.
Pana data viitoare, va doresc toate cele bune.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

L'Afrique c'est chic!

Hello hello!
You know when you buy a nail polish without knowing how they are? Well...there are two possible outcomes: you either LOVE them or HATE them.
 This thing happened to me. I bought "by mistake" a nail polish from Catrice. The only thing that caught  my attention was the words " sand finish" on the bottle.
 Without thinking i bought it...and fortunately i didn't liked it, I LOVED IT.
After that I bought 3 more, and loved them all. I miss just one of the collection but i hope to make it whole soon enough.
Stiti cum e cand cumperi o oja fara sa stii nimic despre ea? De cele mai multe ori sunt doua posibilitati: sa iti placa sau...dimpotriva sa nu iti placa.
Am facut si eu asa:D. Am cumparat din greseala(in necunostinta de cauza), o oja de la Catrice. Singurul lucru care m-a a atras a fost faptul ca scria pe sticluta "sand finish".
Fara sa ma mai gandesc, am nu numai ca mi-a placut ci o ador. Dupa aceea, am mai cumparat inca 3 si le ador si pe acestea. Toata colectia are 5 am doar 4, dar sper sa le aduc pe toate 5 impreuna cat mai curand.

Photo source : here
I have : "SO CLASY" , "QUEL BLEU TURQUOISE" , "SUNNY SIDE" , "ROUGE, BIEN SUR" but, unfortunately i miss " L'ORANGE".

Tonight im going to do a swatch for ROUGE, BIEN SUR.
In seara asta o sa fac un swatch pentru ROUGE, BIEN SUR.

Left: one coat
Right: two coats

I really hope you like it! I think this is my fav of them all.
You can see the "SO CLASSY" Here

I'll put up a photo of the others down bellow:

Have a great night! 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Green glitter.

Tonight i've done a mani using some green glitter...hoping spring will come with sun too, not just rain. It's a manicure that takes time...applying the glitter one by one is hard...but the final effect it's gorgeous.
In seara asta am facut o manichiura cu paiete speranta ca primavara o sa aduca si ceva soare, nu doar ploi. E o manichiura care necesita ceva timp, paietele aplicandu-se destul de greu una cate una, dar efectul final este extraordinar.

The black nail polish is Golden Rose Holiday nr.60
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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Cherry Blossom.

Hello hello!
Since my nails are starting to grow back I've decided to do a mani i've been wanting to do fom a long time.
Din moment ce imi cresc unghiile...m-am gandit sa fac o manichiura pe care mi-am dorit sa o fac de ceva timp.

I used :
Golder rose rich color nr.44
Kallos-top coat
Lidan acrylic paints
Q-tip and dotter for the flowers.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

French manicure.

Hello everybody.
In my opinion a French Manicure it's the classiest thing you could wear.
Dupa parerea mea manichiura frantuzeasca este cel mai elegant tip de manichiura care exista.
Even if French manicure it's usually done with white i love to improvise and make it more special.
Chiar daca de obicei frenc-ul se face cu alb mie-mi place sa improzivez si sa o fac mai diferita.
Because I really like French manicure I did a lot of designs over time. I'll show them bellow.
Pentru ca-mi place la nebunie manichiura frantuzeasca am facut o gramada de modele pe care o sa vi le arat mai jos

Saturday, 1 March 2014


Happy spring everybody. For celebrating the first day of spring i did an ombre nail design with nice colours. I hope you like it. I've been meaning to do this type of many from so time, and i think this is a good moment to do.
Pentru Martisor am facuto manichiura draguta,ombre, potrivita pentru primavara. Sper sa va placa. Este prima data cand incerc acest tip de manichiura, care-mi place foarte mult.

Here are the colours I used.